Saturday, March 22, 2008

In-Game Control List Rising Force

In-game Controls List

Walk/RunW / Alt-W
Battle ModeA / Ctrl-A
Attack/Pick Up items(spacebar)
Auto AttackZ / Ctrl-Z
Pick up ItemX / Ctrl-X
Equip itemCtrl- (click)
Transfer ItemShift-(click)
Cycle TargetG / Ctrl-G
Quick slot barF1 - F10
Display item namesAlt
Summon (Cora only)U
InventoryI / Ctrl-I
Character statsC / Ctrl-C
SkillsS / Ctrl-S
Force/magicF / Ctrl-F
Journal/Quest J / Ctrl-J
ChatT / Alt-T
MapM / Ctrl-M
RadarR / Ctrl-R
OptionsO / Ctrl-O
Keyboard MovementArrow Keys
Keyboard MovementWASD (only in keyboard mode)
Keyboard ModeH
JumpV (only in keyboard mode)
Camera MovementHold RMB
Camera ZoomMouse wheel or Ctrl- +,-
Camera lookbackMouse wheel click
Camera overhead viewK
Camera 1-5Options menu (O / Ctrl-O) then 1-5
Screen Shot Alt - (zero)
Recall last chat message Ctrl-Q
Toggle UI on/off Ctrl-H
Designate character number CTRL+(1, 2, 3 ... 0)
Target character number (1, 2, 3 ... 0)
Toggle tool Tips Alt-J
Quit Alt-Q
Toggle Skill Hotkeys (F1-10 vs (1, 2, 3 ... 0)/

[Source: RF Online Readme]


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ragnarok Acount Crack

Found this really good tool on the net.

This tool really works, I tested it on myself and my friend, It works but takes quite a bit of time.

Cracks Steam Accounts

Brute Forcing

Status: CLEAN

Virus Scan


Download here

Kro Clients (latest: 2008-06-16)

Older Client: Ragnarok and Sakray 0616 -- 16th June 2008
SAK_SETUP0616.EXE ~~ 1,102,418,727 bytes ~~ MD5: C3974937419170132556AA59839BA7CD ~~ CRC32: 44228B83
RAG_SETUP0616.EXE ~~ 1,325,781,483 bytes ~~ MD5: BD7E3CF276C7048825A130AF941B1585 ~~ CRC32: BCFE046A

~~~ Official Website ( ~~~
(You might need to use a Korean Proxy Server to be able to download from the official site)
HTTP Download Links:
Sakray 2008-06-16 -
Ragnarok 2008-06-16 -

~~~ Internode Games Network ~~~ (Unmetered for Australian '' (ISP) Customers)
Sakray 2008-06-16 -
Ragnarok 2008-06-16 -

~~~ ~~~
Full setup files in a single download link, If you have a slow connection I recommend to use the split downloads below.
Sakray 2008-06-16 -
Ragnarok 2008-06-16 -
RagLite0616 BGM + DLL -
RagLite0616 DLLs Only -

~~~ ~~~
Sakray 2008-06-16 (You can mix the rars with the rars)
Part 01 -
Part 02 -
Part 03 -
Part 04 -
Part 05 -
Part 06 -
Part 07 -
Part 08 -
Part 09 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -

Ragnarok 2008-06-16 (You can mix the rars with the rars)
Part 01 -
Part 02 -
Part 03 -
Part 04 -
Part 05 -
Part 06 -
Part 07 -
Part 08 -
Part 09 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -
Part 12 -
Part 13 -

RagLite 2008-06-16 (You can mix the rars with the rars)
RagLite 0616 BGM + DLL:
Part 01 -
Part 02 -
Part 03 -

RagLite 0616 DLLs Only:

~~~ ~~~
Sakray 2008-06-16 (You can mix the rars with the rars)
Part 01 -
Part 02 -
Part 03 -
Part 04 -
Part 05 -
Part 06 -
Part 07 -
Part 08 -
Part 09 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -

Ragnarok 2008-06-16 (You can mix the rars with the rars)
Part 01 -
Part 02 -
Part 03 -
Part 04 -
Part 05 -
Part 06 -
Part 07 -
Part 08 -
Part 09 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -
Part 12 -
Part 13 -

RagLite 2008-06-16 (You can mix the rars with the rars)
RagLite 0616 - BGM and DLL Files:
Part 01 -
Part 02 -
Part 03 -

RagLite 0616 - DLL Files Only:

~~~ More Mirrors (RapidShare, MediaFire, SendSpace, FileFactory, MegaUpload, FileFront, ~~~ (Thanks to Adammik)

Ashura Macros


Public Messages:

ruwach - Uses ruwach on player (!)

Private Messages:


* - Bots use ruwach on cloakers.

Commands and Chat:

Private Messages ONLY:

follow/fm/go - Follows you
stop/w - Stop following and sit
kos - Stop killing on sight someone or stop attacking player
fp - Enables / Disable asking for coating
free - Enables / Disables free will
walk - Enables / Disables random walk.
skill - Enables / Disables buff and heal other players except you
prt - Set Locked Map prt_fild08
gef - Set Locked Map gef_fild10
pay - Set Locked Map pay_fild00
br - Set Locked Map new_1-1
home/h - Set Locked Map $homemap. Warp to your homeplace

$freewill = 1|0 Do something sometimes
$skills = 1|0 - Autoskills
$homemap = Homeplace map X Y
$lockedmap = Locked map X Y
$fpbot = "NAME" - Creator's name. Casts coating on you
$master = NAME- Your name
$fp =1|0 Ask for Coating (1) Dont ask (0)
$nohide = Use ruwach on cloakers, etc (1) Dont use (0)

# To make all these macros work u have to:
# Make new config key kos_pk
# Make new config key kos_pk2
# Edit > Replace:
# Hakuro to your name.
# map01 to ur homemap (w/o coordinates)
# map02 to ur lockedmap (w/o coordinates)
# Put:
# $homemap = map01 x y
# $lockedmap = map02 x y
# fp (coating) bot name here: (or set $fp = 0)
# $fpbot = "name"
# Edit macro config

automacro subload {
overideAI 1
run-once 1
call onload

macro onload {

# Macro Config

# Edit This:
# [ 1 = on | 0 = off ]

do conf macro_debug 0
$kos = 1
$freewill = 0
$randomwalk = 1
$nohide = 0
$fp = 0
$skills = 1
$homemap = map01
$lockedmap = map02
$fpbot = "name"
$master = Hakuro
$follow = 0
$hello = Hi $master ! My positon: $.pos $.map. Locked map: $lockedmap Enemies: @config(kos_pk) @config(kos_pk2).

# Dont mess with this:

if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
if (@arg("$lockedmap", 1) = prt_fild08) goto makelocprt
$location = $.map
goto next2
$location = prt_fild08
$lastpos = 0 0 $.map
$damage = 0
$nmes = 0
$frag = 0

# Say that you are online
do pm "$master" $hello

# Log (you can remove it)

log ===================================================
log PVP (BVP) Macros v 1.0
log ===================================================
log Master: $master
log Skill Usage On Players - Ruwach: $nohide Buffs: $skills
log Random Walk: $randomwalk Free will: $freewill KOS: $kos
log Homeplace: $homemap Locked Place: $lockedmap
log Commands are: follow / stop / prt / gef / pay / br
log home / fp / walk / free / duel / kill / kos / skill
log ===================================================
log Kill On Sight players: @config(kos_pk) @config(kos_pk2)
log ===================================================
pause 1

########### Master ###########

automacro mapchange99 {
mapchange prt_fild08, gef_fild10
call {
release move

automacro masterlost {
var randomwalk = 1
console "I lost my master"
timeout 1
location prt_fild08
call {
release move

automacro masterfound {
hook player
var randomwalk = 1
console "Found my master!"
timeout 1
location prt_fild08
call {
lock move

#### KOS

automacro kos0 {
status not dead
overideAI 1
hook player
location gef_fild10, prt_fild08, new_1-1, pay_dun00
var kos = 1
call kos1

macro kos1 {
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
goto end
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk2))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map


automacro move {
overideAI 1
location gef_fild10, prt_fild08
var randomwalk = 1
timeout 20
call move2

macro move2 {
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
if ($.map = prt_fild08) goto prtfild
if ($.map = gef_fild10) goto geffild
goto end
do $do
goto end

if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
$mrnd = @rand (1, 3)
if ($mrnd = 1) goto move
if ($mrnd = 2) goto ss
if ($mrnd = 3) goto ss
goto end
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
if (@arg("$lastpos", 3) != $.map) goto stop
$n = @rand(0, 6)
$m = @rand(0, 6)
$posx = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$posy = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$eval = @random ("+", "-")
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
do @random ("move $lastpos", "move @eval ($posx $eval $n) @eval ($posy $eval $m) $.map")
goto end
$do = @random ("ss 270", "ss 270", "ss 24", "ss 270")
$xx = @rand (156, 171)
$yy = @rand (345, 365)
do move $xx $yy $.map
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
goto cont
$do = @random ("ss 270", "ss 270", "ss 24", "ss 270")
$xx = @rand (65, 73)
$yy = @rand (308, 327)
do move $xx $yy $.map
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
goto cont
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk2))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map


automacro freew {
overideAI 1
location gef_fild10, prt_fild08, new_1-1, pay_dun00
var freewill = 1
timeout 75
call freewill

macro freewill {
do conf followFaceDirection 0
$will = @random ("macro sit", "")
if ($will = macro move2) goto q
if ($will = macro sit) goto w
goto end
call move2
goto end
call sit
goto end

macro sit {
$look = @random ("3", "4", "5")
do look $look
$times = @rand (10, 15)
$i = 0
while ($i < $times) as sitloop
pause 4
do sit
do look $look
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
end sitloop
if (@player($master) >= 0) goto one
goto end
do @random ( "", "e e2", "", "", "e e8", "", "", "", "e ho", "e e10")
goto end

do kill @player(@config (kos_pk))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end

do kill @player(@config (kos_pk2))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end

##### SKILLS ######


automacro Healer {
pubm /heal|Heal|hp|HP/,6
sp >= 80%
timeout 20
call doheal

automacro Buffer {
pubm /buff|bufs|Buffs|BUFF|baps|Buf|buffs|agi|bless/,6
sp >= 80%
timeout 20
call dobuff

automacro ruwach1 {
pubm /ruwach/,6
timeout 46
call dorwch

automacro res99 {
timeout 15
pubm /res|resu|ressu|ress/
inventory "yggdrasil leaf" > 0
call Ressurection

macro Ressurection {
if ($.lastpub = $master) goto one
if ($skills = 1) goto one
goto end
do ip @inventory (yggdrasil leaf) @player ($.lastpub)
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e ??", "c =/", "c no", "e ??", "", "", "")
pause 2
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e ok", "e e2", "", "")


automacro healz {
timeout 15
pm "heal"
pm "hp"
call healz2

automacro buffz {
timeout 15
pm /buff/i
call buffz2

macro doheal {
if ($.lastpub = $master) goto one
if ($skills = 1) goto one
goto end
$times = @rand (2, 7)
$i = 0
while ($i < $times ) as healloop
do sp 28 "$.lastpub" 10
end healloop
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e ??", "c =/", "c no", "e ??", "", "", "")
pause 3
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e gg", "e e2", "", "")

macro buffz2 {
if ($.lastpm = $master)goto one
goto end
do sp 34 "$.lastpm" 10
do sp 29 "$.lastpm" 10
do sp 361 "$.lastpm" 10
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e e8", "c =/", "c no", "e ??", "", "", "")
pause 2
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e gg", "e e2", "", "")

macro healz2 {
if ($.lastpm = $master) goto one
goto end
$times = @rand (6, 12)
$i = 0
while ($i < $times ) as healloop
log loop $i
do sp 28 "$.lastpm" 10
end healloop
goto end

macro dorwch {
do sp 24 "$.lastpub"

macro dobuff {
if ($.lastpub = $master) goto one
if ($skills = 1) goto one
goto end
do sp 34 "$.lastpub" 10
do sp 29 "$.lastpub" 10
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e e8", "c =/", "c no", "e ?", "", "", "")
pause 2
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e gg", "e e2", "", "")


automacro SW1 {
pm /^(sw)$/
call SW2

macro SW2 {
if ($.lastpm = $master) goto one
goto end
do sp 12 "$.lastpm"
#do sp 24 "$.lastpm"
goto end

automacro Ruwach999 {
console /Player .* .* uses Ruwach on himself/i
var nohide = 1
timeout 65
call {
pause 2
do ss 24


automacro nohide {
var nohide = 1
console /Player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Cloaking on himself/i
timeout 25
call {
do sp 24 $.lastMatch2

automacro nohide2 {
var nohide = 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Hiding on himself/i
timeout 25
call {

do sp 24 $.lastMatch2

automacro nohide3 {
timeout 12
var nohide = 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Chase Walk on himself/i
call {
do sp 24 $.lastMatch2

######## COMMANDS / CHAT #########

automacro fs1 {
pm "duel conf"
call {
do switchconf ChampDuel.txt
do pm "$.lastpm" switched duel

automacro fs2 {
pm "main conf"
call {
do switchconf ChampMain.txt
do pm "$.lastpm" switched to main

automacro fs3 {
pm "party"
call {
do switchconf ChampParty.txt
do pm "$.lastpm" ok party

automacro walk {
pm /^(walk)$/
call {
if ($randomwalk = 1) goto off
if ($randomwalk = 0) goto on
goto end
release move
$randomwalk = 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Randomwalk Enabled
goto end
$randomwalk = 0
do pm "$.lastpm" Randomwalk Disabled
goto end

automacro usefp {
pm "fp"
call {
if ($fp = 1) goto off
if ($fp = 0) goto on
goto end
$fp = 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Using FP Enabled
goto end
$fp = 0
do pm "$.lastpm" Using FP Disabled
goto end

automacro Follow {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(follow|fm|go)$/,
call follow2

macro follow2 {
do follow $.lastpm
do pm "$.lastpm" Following "$.lastpm" !!

automacro kos_no {
overrideAI 1
pm "stop"
call {
do pm "$.lastpm" Players: [ @config(kos_pk) | @config(kos_pk2) ] - are no longer my enemies.
do conf kos_pk none
do conf kos_pk2 none
$damage = none
$pla = none
$kospla = none
do pm "$.lastpm" I stopped.

automacro kos_duel {
overrideAI 1
pm "duel"
call {
do conf kos_pk $.lastpm
$freewill = 0
$damage = 10
pause 1
do pm "$.lastpm" @random ( "Lets Have Fun", "Game", "Sure")
pause 1
do @random ("e gg", "c XD", "e e9")
pause 1
do c 3
pause 1
do c 2
pause 1
do c 1
pause 1
do e go
do kill @player(@config(kos_pk))

automacro kos001 {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(kos )/i
call {
$kospla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
if (@player($kospla) >= 0) goto kill
goto nopla

do conf kos_pk2 $kospla
do pm "$.lastpm" KOS: $kospla
do kill @player($kospla)
goto end
$pla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
do pm "$.lastpm" Can't recognize $kospla. Spell his name accurately.
goto end
do pm "$.lastpm" Player $kospla doesn't exists.
do pm "$.lastpm" Searching again....
$kospla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 3) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 4) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 5) @arg("$.lastpmMsg", 6)
if (@player($kospla) >= 0) goto kill
goto nopla2

automacro killpla {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(kill )/i
call {
$pla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
if (@arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2) = me) goto killme
if (@player($pla) >= 0) goto kill
goto nopla
do pm "$.lastpm" I am gonna kill you !!!
do kill @player($.lastpm)
goto end

do pm "$.lastpm" I am gonna kill $pla
do kill @player($pla)
goto end
$pla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
do pm "$.lastpm" Can't recognize $pla. Spell his name accurately.
goto end
do pm "$.lastpm" Player $pla doesn't exists.
do pm "$.lastpm" Searching again....
$pla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 3) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 4) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 5) @arg("$.lastpmMsg", 6)
if (@player($pla) >= 0) goto kill
goto nopla2

automacro wait {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(wait|w)$/,
call wait2

macro wait2 {
do conf follow 0
do sit
do pm "$.lastpm" Waiting you at $.map !!

automacro skills {
pm "skill"
call {
if ($skills = 1) goto off
if ($skills = 0) goto on
goto end
$skills = 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Autoskills Enabled
goto end
$skills = 0
do pm "$.lastpm" Autoskills Disabled
goto end

automacro setfw {
pm "free"
call {
if ($freewill = 1) goto off
if ($freewill = 0) goto on
goto end
$freewil = 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Free Will Enabled
goto end
$freewill = 0
do pm "$.lastpm" Free Will Disabled
goto end

automacro status {
pm "st"
call {
do pm $.lastpm My positon: $.pos $.map. Locked map: $lockedmap Enemies: @config(kos_pk) @config(kos_pk2).

# 0 - 26

automacro gowarp {
pm /^(go )/i
call Lockmap77

macro Lockmap77 {
$go = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
do c @go $go
do pm "$.lastpm" $.map


automacro lockedmap3go19 {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(pay)$/,
call {
$lockedmap = pay_dun00 35 104
$location = pay_dun00
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99

automacro lockedmap4go15 {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(br)$/,
call {
$lockedmap = new_1-1 52 111
$location = new_1-1
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99

automacro lockedmap1prt {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(prt)$/,
call {
$xxx = @rand (100, 200)
$yyy = @rand (335, 369)
$lockedmap = prt_fild08 $xxx $yyy
$location = prt_fild08
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99

automacro lockedmap0home {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(home)$/,
call {
do conf follow 0
$lockedmap = $homemap
$location = prt_fild09
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99

automacro lockedmap2gef {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(gef)$/,
call {
$lockedmap = gef_fild10 75 300
$location = gef_fild10
#$lockedmap = gef_fild10 75 300
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99

# Do something when buffed

macro bemad {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("e e5", "c Oo", "sp 156 $.lastMatch2", "sp 78 $.lastMatch2", "", "e gg", "c lol", "e e2", "sp 78 $.lastMatch2")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
end buffloop
pause 2
do $mes
$.lastMatch2 = none

macro begood {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("c ty", "c thanx", "c thanks", "e lv2", "c ty^^", "c ^^", "c xD", "e thx", "e ho", "c thx")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
end buffloop
pause 2
do $mes

macro begood2 {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("c ty", "c thanx", "c thanks", "e lv2", "c ty^^", "c ^^", "c xD", "e thx", "buff", "buff", "buff")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
if ($mes = buff) goto buff
end buffloop
pause 1
do sp 34 $.lastMatch2 10
do sp 29 $.lastMatch2 10
goto end2
pause 2
do $mes

macro buffed02 {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("", "", "sp 34 $.lastMatch2 1", "c <.<", "e thx", "e e8", "e e2")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
if ($mes = unset) goto end
end buffloop
pause 2
do $mes
$.lastMatch1 = none

macro buffed01 {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("", "", "sp 29 $.lastMatch2 1", "", "c >.>", "e ho", "", "c xD", "e e2")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
if ($mes = unset) goto end
end buffloop
pause 2
do $mes
$.lastMatch1 = none

automacro fped101 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses full chemical protection on you.*/i
call begood2
timeout 30

automacro buffed11 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses blessing on you.*/i
call buffed02
timeout 50

automacro buffed12 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses increase agi on you.*/i
call buffed01
timeout 50

automacro buffed13 {
spell assumptio
timeout 45
call begood

automacro buffed14 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses provoke on you.*/i
call bemad
timeout 50

automacro buffed15 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses heal on you.*/i
call begood
timeout 50


macro pk_STAY_CALM {
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is playing with fire.
$damage = @eval ($damage + 1)
if ($damage > 1) goto one
goto over
#$damage = @eval ($damage + 1.25)
pause 1
do @random ( "", "e ?", "", "e e2", "", "", "e gg", "", "c lol", "", "c aw", "e e2", "")

macro pk_WARN {
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is playing with fire.
$damage = @eval ($damage + 0.75)
#if ($damage > 5) goto one
if ($damage > 10) goto one
goto over
call KILL_PK
pause 2
do @random ( "", "", "e lv2", "e e2", "", "e gg", "", "e lv", "", "", "e heh", "", "", "c aw", "", "e e2")

macro pk_WARN2 {
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is playing with fire.
$damage = @eval ($damage + 0.75)
if ($damage > 10) goto one
goto over
call KILL_PK
pause 2
do @random ( "", "c aw", "e lv2", "e e2", "", "e gg", "", "e ?", "e lv", "c lol", "e heh", "e ??", "e ??")


macro pk_ATTACK_ONCE {
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 attacked me.
$damage = @eval ($damage + 2.5)
#if ($damage > 3) goto two
if ($damage > 10) goto two
goto one
do sp 266 $.lastMatch2
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("e gg", "", "e gg", "", "e e2", "", "", "e heh", "", "c aw", "", "c lol", "sp 156 $.lastMatch2", "sp 156 $.lastMatch2")
call KILL_PK

macro KILL_DEAD {
if ($.lastMatch1 = @config(kos_pk)) goto justkill
if ($.lastMatch1 = @config(kos_pk2)) goto justkill
if ($.lastMatch1 = $master) goto nvm
do kill $.lastMatch2
do conf kos_pk2 @config(kos_pk)
do conf kos_pk $.lastMatch1
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is my foe !!
goto end
do pm "$master" I guess i am dead... $.lastMatch1 killed me @_@
do c @warp $.map $.pos
do kill $.lastMatch2
goto end
do pm "$master" I wont kill my master.

macro KILL_PK {
if ($.lastMatch1 = @config(kos_pk)) goto justkill
if ($.lastMatch1 = @config(kos_pk2)) goto justkill
if ($.lastMatch1 = $master) goto nvm
do kill $.lastMatch2
do conf kos_pk2 @config(kos_pk)
do conf kos_pk $.lastMatch1
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is my foe !!
goto end
do kill $.lastMatch2
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 attacked me @_@
goto end
do pm "$master" I wont kill my master.


automacro pked378 {
overrideAI 1
timeout 3
####DAMAGE RANGE 100 - 999#########################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{2}\b/i
call pk_WARN

automacro pked554 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 2000 - 5999#######################
timeout 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[2-5][0-9]{3}\b/i
call pk_STAY_CALM

automacro pked959 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 6000 - 9999#######################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[6-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK

automacro pked645 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call KILL_PK

automacro pked649 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 100000 - 150000#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[1][0-5]{5}\b/i
call KILL_PK

automacro pked640 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 150000 - 199999#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[1][5-9]{5}\b/i
call KILL_PK

automacro pked641 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 200000 - 499999#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[2-5][0-9]{5}\b/i


automacro pked356 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 10 - 90########################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{1}\b/i
timeout 3
call pk_WARN

automacro pked303 {
overrideAI 1
timeout 3
####DAMAGE RANGE 100 - 900########################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{2}\b/i
call pk_WARN

automacro pked101 {
overrideAI 1
timeout 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 4000#######################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[1-4][0-9]{3}\b/i
call pk_STAY_CALM

automacro pked102 {
overrideAI 1
timeout 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 5000 - 9999#######################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[5-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK

automacro pked485 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call KILL_PK


automacro pked184 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE BOMB##########
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Demonstration (lvl 5) on you .*/i
call {
call KILL_PK

# Todo make bot recognize if enemy is ranged or not and use pneuma on self
automacro pked18554 {
####DAMAGE RANGE Ranged ##########
overrideAI 1
timeout 3
spell Double Strafe, Arrow Repel, Arrow Vulcan, Spear Boomerang
call {
do ss 25

automacro pked5005 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 2000 - 5999#######################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Blitz Beat on you .*/i
call {
$damage = @eval ($damage + 2.5)
do ss 25
call pk_WARN2

automacro pked354597 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) is casting Extremly Fist on you *./i
call {
lock move
lock freew
call KILL_PK

automacro STRIP {
####FULL STRIP SKILL##############################
console /Player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses full strip on you.*/i
call KILL_PK


########### Hakuro ############
automacro PK_pla4373 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses Vigor Absorption on player (.*) \((\d+)\)/i
call KILL_PK

##########DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 4999#################
automacro PK_pla313 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses .* on player (.*) \((\d+)\) - dmg: \b[1-4][0-9]{3}\b/i

##########DAMAGE RANGE 5000 - 9999#################
automacro PK_pla323 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses .* on player (.*) \((\d+)\) - dmg: \b[5-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call {
call KILL_PK

###########DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 999999##############
automacro PK_pla333 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses .* on player (.*) \((\d+)\) - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4,5}\b/i
call {
call KILL_PK


############ Hakuro ###############

############DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 3999###########
automacro pked_pla991 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-3][0-9]{3}\b/i

###########DAMAGE RANGE 4000 - 9999############
automacro pked_pla992 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[4-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK

###########DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999##########
automacro pked_pla993 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call {
call KILL_PK


################# Hakuro #####################

#######DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 4999###############
automacro PK_pla771 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-4][0-9]{3}\b/i
call pk_STAY_CALM

#######DAMAGE RANGE 5000 - 9999###############
automacro PK_pla772 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[5-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK

######DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999############
automacro pked_pla773 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2

######DAMAGE RANGE 100000 - 999999############
automacro pked_pla153 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{5}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2

############### FP ###############

automacro fptimer {
overideAI 1
var fp = 1
status not cp weapon
hp > 25%
call fptrigger
timeout 12

macro fptrigger {
do c @warp $homemap
pause 2
do pm $fpbot fp
pause 3
call Lockmap99

####### HP & SP ##########

automacro kittyhp {
overideAI 1
hp <= 30%
timeout 5
call kittyhpsp

automacro kittysp {
overideAI 1
sp < 20%
timeout 3
call kittyhpsp

macro kittyhpsp {
do c @warp payon 139 242
pause 2
do talk @npc (149 231)
pause 1

macro kittyhpsp2 {
do c @warp payon 139 242
pause 2
do talk @npc (149 231)
pause 1

#########LOCK MAP#################

automacro Go_To_Lockmap {
var fp = 1
overideAI 1
location not gef_fild10
location not prt_fild08
location not prt_fild09
location not pay_dun00
location not new_1-1
location not map02
hp > 40%
status cp weapon
timeout 5
call Lockmap99

automacro Go_To_Lockmap2 {
overideAI 1
var fp = 0
location not gef_fild10
location not prt_fild09
location not pay_dun00
location not new_1-1
location not prt_fild08
location not map02
hp > 40%
timeout 5
call Lockmap99

macro Lockmap99 {
release move
release freew
#$damage = 0
if ($location = prt_fild08) goto prtfild
goto other

$xxx = @rand (100, 180)
$yyy = @rand (340, 365)
# $xxx = @rand (150, 150)
# $yyy = @rand (365, 365)
do c @warp prt_fild08 $xxx $yyy
goto end
do c @warp $lockedmap
call move2

############ STORAGE ##############

automacro oweight {
weight >= 70%
timeout 30
call storauto

macro storauto {
do autostorage

Ini saya share macro ashura buat monk. saya dapat dari teman saya. dan sudah d coba d Iro.

Restock Macros

#when hunter doing autostorage, this macro may trigger
automacro initiater {
class Hunter
storage "Silver Arrow" < 5000
call initiate

macro initiate {
do conf char 2
do reload config
pause 2
do relog

#Check Blacksmith location
automacro checkLocation {
class Blacksmith
storage "Silver Arrow" < 5000
location not morocc_in 137 65
call moveLoc

macro moveLoc {
do move 137 65 morocc_in

#Buy silver arrow and put in storage
automacro silver {
class Blacksmith
inventory "Silver Arrow" < 5000
location morocc_in 137 65
call buy_silver

macro buy_silver {
do talk @npc (141 67)
pause 2
do store
pause 2
while (@cartamount (Silver Arrow) < 20000) as buyLoop
do buy @store (Silver Arrow) @eval (10000 - @invamount (Silver Arrow))
pause 2
do cart add @inventory (Silver Arrow) @eval (20000 - @invamount (Silver Arrow))
end buyLoop
do buy @store (Silver Arrow) 5000
pause 2

automacro putStorage {
class Blacksmith
inventory "Silver Arrow" > 0
cart "Silver Arrow" > 0
call storage

macro storage {
do move 153 95 morocc
do talk @npc (156 97)
pause 3
do talk resp 1
pause 2
do storage add @inventory (Silver Arrow)
pause 2
while (@cartamount (Silver Arrow) > 0) as storageLoop
do cart get @cart (Silver Arrow) 10000
pause 2
do storage add @inventory (Silver Arrow)
pause 2
end storageLoop
do storage close

#change to hunter
automacro changeHunter {
class Blacksmith
cart "Silver Arrow" = 0
inventory "Silver Arrow" = 0
call hunter

macro hunter {
do conf char 0
do reload config
pause 2
do relog

auto Warp

automacro Warper {
pm "Warp GH","Name" #Change This to your char's name
delay 5
run-once 1
call Warp1

macro Warp1 {
@set (loc) @var (.pos)
@pause 2
@pause 2
sl 27 @var (loc) 4
@pause 5
warp 1 #Assumming GH is in Memo 1
@pause 2
move @var (loc)
conf follow 1
@pause 2
@release Warper

macro Auto Buy

automacro Auto_Buy {
storage "Arrow" < 5000
class hunter
call Auto_Buy_Arrows
run-once 1

macro Auto_Buy_Arrows {
storage close
conf char 0 # if BlackSmith is in slot 0
conf saveMap
conf autoTalkCont 1
conf lockMap prt_fild05
conf route_randomWalk 0
conf storageAuto 0
conf storageAuto_npc 52392

automacro BuyArrows {
map prt_fild05
class blacksmith
run-once 1
call Arrows

macro Arrows {

move 290 221 prt_fild05

talk @npc (290 221)
@pause 5
@pause 5
@pause 5
buy @store (Arrow) @eval (30000 - @invamount (Arrow))

@pause 20

move 290 221 prt_fild05

talk @npc (290 224)
@pause 5
talk resp 1
@pause 5
storage add @inventory (Arrow) @eval (30000 - @storamount (Arrow))

@pause 5
storage close

conf char 1 #if Hunter is in Slot 1
conf saveMap alberta
conf autoTalkCont 0
conf lockMap tur_dun01
conf route_randomWalk 1
conf storageAuto 1
conf storageAuto_npc 52401
@release BuyArrows
@release Auto_Buy

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Speed Hack Boong"an

Nie Speed hack bukan Speed Gear Org banyak ngira ini spead gear. Tapi bukan Spead Gear.
Bukan Sembarang Speed Hack.
Tapi sayang gw lom coba. tapi ini dah terbukti. karena teman gw yang d german menggunakan ini.

Download WPE pro 0.9

Nie tempat buat download wpe pro 0.9
Center link
Minor Link

Monday, March 17, 2008

Novice Ground

##############NOVICE TRAINING GROUND MACRO FOR indoRO BY MaSaHiRo########################

automacro lola {
base == 1
call lol
run-once 1

macro lol {
do conf attackAuto 0
do conf route_randomWalk 0
do conf autoTalkCont 1
do uneq @inventory (Knife [3])
do uneq @inventory (Cotton Shirt)
do drop @inventory (Knife [3])
do drop @inventory (Cotton Shirt)
pause 3
do talk @npc (53 114)
pause 3
do talk resp 0
pause 3
do talk @npc (53 114)
pause 3
do move 146 112
pause 3
do move 99 23
do talk @npc (100 29)
pause 3
do talk resp 0
pause 3
do move 99 99
pause 1
do talk @npc (99 105)
pause 3
do talk resp 0
pause 10
do talk @npc (99 105)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk @npc (83 111)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 5
do talk resp 0
pause 3
do move 113 107
pause 5
release potion

automacro potion {
base == 4
call hehe
run-once 1

macro hehe {
pause 1
do move 114 107
pause 5
do conf autoTalkCont 0
pause 1
do talk @npc (115 111)
do talk cont
do talk resp 0
do talk cont
do talk cont
pause 1
do is @inventory (Novice Potion)
pause 1
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
pause 1
do eq @inventory (Novice Slippers)
pause 1
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk resp 0
do talk cont
do talk cont
pause 5
do conf autoTalkCont 1
do talk @npc (118 108)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 4
do talk resp 1
pause 5
do talk resp 4
do talk @npc (118 108)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 3
do talk @npc (17 182)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 10
do talk resp 3
pause 2
do conf autoTalkCont 0
pause 1
do talk @npc (38 182)
pause 1
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk resp 0
do talk cont
pause 2
do relog 1
pause 5
do talk @npc (38 182)
pause 1
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk resp 0
do talk cont
pause 5
do eq @inventory (Tattered Novice Ninja Suit)
do eq @inventory (Somber Novice Hood)
do eq @inventory (Novice False Eggshell)
do eq @inventory (Novice Main-Gauche)
do eq @inventory (Novice Guard)
do conf useSelf_item_0 Meat,Apple,Banana,Sweet Potato,Carror,Red Potion,Novice Potion
do conf route_randomWalk 1
do conf attackAuto 2
do conf dcOnDeath 0
do conf attackAuto_inLockOnly 0

automacro fvkface {
job == 10
call convert
run-once 1

macro convert {
do conf attackAuto 0
do conf route_randomWalk 0
do conf autoTalkCont 0
pause 5
do move 99 22
pause 1
do talk @npc (91 22)
pause 2
do talk cont
do talk cont
pause 3
do conf autoTalkCont 1
pause 1
do move 100 25
do talk @npc (100 29)
pause 5
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk resp 0
do talk resp 0
do talk resp 0
do talk resp 0
pause 3
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0
pause 1
do talk resp 0 # 0 = swordy, 1 = other
pause 1
do talk resp * #i think it goes like 0 = mage, 1= merch, 2 = thief, 3 = archer, 4 = aco
pause 1}

buffer for linker

automacro keyword {
pm /(kaupe|kaite|kaahi|spirit)/
call spiritin
priority 0

macro spiritin {
$di = $.lastMatch1
$n = $.lastMatch2
$b = $.lastMatch3
$skill = $.lastMatch5
$job = @eval ($::players{$::playersID[$b]}->{jobID})

goto skill

if ($skill == spirit) goto spirit
if ($skill == Flag) goto spirit ###please delete, if you use Pm mode##
if ($di < 8) goto ka
goto far

avoid GM

automacro gmavoid {
run-once 1
console /Remove Perfectly hidden/i
call quitconsole

macro quitconsole {
$var1 = first
pause 5
do is @inventory (Butterfly Wing)
pause 3
do move morocc x y
pause 60
relog 5000

automacro gmavoid2 {
run-once 1
var var1 = first
console /Remove Perfectly hidden/i
call quitconsole2

macro quitconsole2 {
pause 48
do quit

Monk job change

automacro map{
location not monk_test 329 54
call movemap
run-once 1

macro movemap{
do move 329 54 monk_test

automacro start{
location monk_test 329 54
call starttalk
run-once 1
macro starttalk{
do conf attackAuto 0
do conf route_randomWalk 0
do conf autoTalkCont 1
do talk @npc (329 61)
pause 2
do talk resp 1

automacro startmarathon{
location monk_test 386 387
call startwalking
run-once 1
macro startwalking{
do conf route_randomWalk 0
do move 377 387
do move 369 387
do move 359 387
do move 348 387
do move 334 387
do move 320 387
do move 49 387
do move 49 385
do move 46 385
do move 41 385
do move 39 385
do move 36 385
do move 12 385
do move 12 162
do move 14 162
do move 14 156
do move 14 32
do move 16 32
do move 16 28
do move 13 28
do move 13 12
do move 15 12
do move 67 12
do move 67 14
do move 73 14
do move 97 14
do move 100 12
do move 182 12
do move 182 10
do move 182 8
do move 182 6
do move 185 6
do move 188 6
do move 190 6
do move 190 11
do move 201 11
do move 387 11
do move 387 39
do move 384 39
do move 384 42
do move 384 45
do move 384 149
do move 384 154
do move 384 158
do move 384 160
do move 384 162
do move 384 164
do move 384 167
do move 384 169
do move 385 347
do move 0
do move 386 387
release startmarathon

Macro FP

automacro fp {
pm "FP"
run-once 1
macro_delay 0.5
call castfp

macro castfp {
if ($.lastpm == $master) goto allowed
goto end
pause 1
do c @warp map x y <- location where i usually is
pause 1
do sp 479 "$.lastpm" 5
do sit
pause 3
do c @warp map x y <- hide in a town so it doesnt get killed
pause 5
release fp

Macro buff+warper

automacro warp1{
pubm "adb"
class Priest
base < 80
call {
do sl 27 139 48
pause 1
do warp 2
automacro warp1{
pubm "adb"
Exclusive 1
class Priest
base < 80
call {
do sl 27 139 48
pause 1
do warp 2

anti KS

automacro detect ks {
console ks/kser/reporting/k s/killsteal/stealer
call ks
timeout 30
run-once 1

macro ks {
do conf attackAuto 0
do as
pause 1
do e pea
pause 1
do c @random ("so sorry","sorry! ^^","didn't see u sorry","oops sorry")
pause 7
do tele
do conf attackAuto 1
release detect ks

Macro auto dc jika monster aggresive lebih dari yang d tentukan

automacro autodc {
hp <= 30%
delay 60
run-once 1
call autodc2

macro autodc2 {
do relog 10
release autodc

automacro aggressives {
aggressives >= 5
run-once 1
call disconnect

macro disconnect {
do relog 15
pause 30
release aggressives

Auto sell Macro

automacro iwanttosell {
inventory "gold ring" >= 25
location ama_dun02
run-once 1
call {
release izlude
release ama_dun01
release ama_dun03
do c @go 5
release iwanttosell

automacro izlude {
run-once 1
location izlude
call {
release iwanttosell
release ama_dun01
release ama_dun02
release ama_dun03

do move close to the sell npc
do autosell

do move close to the warp npc
do talknpc 131 116 r1 r11 r2 (maybe this is ama_dun02)

release izlude

automacro ama_dun01 {
run-once 1
location ama_dun01
call {
release izlude
release iwanttosell
release ama_dun02
do move ama_dun03

#this is your fight map ... ama_dun02
automacro ama_dun02 {
run-once 1
location ama_dun02
call {
release izlude
release iwanttosell
release ama_dun01
release ama_dun03

automacro ama_dun03 {
run-once 1
location ama_dun03
call {
release izlude
release iwanttosell
release ama_dun01
release ama_dun02
do move ama_dun02

Macro Buffer

automacro buff {
pm /buff|Buff|buffs|Buffs/
run-once 1
delay 1
call playerbuff

macro playerbuff {
$player = $.lastpm
do sp Blessing $player
pause 1
do sp "Increase AGI" $player
pause 1.5
do sp "Blessing" $player
pause 1.5
do sp "Angelus" $player
pause 1.5
do sp "Magnificat" $player
pause 1.5
do sp "Gloria" $player
pause 1.5
do sp "Assumptio" $player
pause 1.5
do sp "Impositio Manus" $player
pause 1.5
release buff


Macro Linker V2

automacro keyword {
player "XXXXX"
call spiritin
priority 0

macro spiritin {
$di = $.lastMatch1
$n = $.lastMatch2
$b = $.lastMatch3
$skill = $.lastMatch5
$job = do eval (return $::players{$::playersID[$b]}->{jobID})

goto skill

if ($skill == spirit) goto spirit
if ($skill == Flag) goto spirit
if ($di < Cool goto ka
goto far

if ($skill == kaupe) goto kaupe
if ($skill == kaite) goto kaite
if ($skill == kaahi) goto kaahi
goto end


if ($job = 12) goto sin
if ($job = 4013) goto sin

if ($job = 16) goto sage
if ($job = 4017) goto sage

if ($job = Cool goto pris
if ($job = 4009) goto pris

if ($job = 15) goto monk
if ($job = 4016) goto monk

if ($job = 9) goto wiz
if ($job = 4010) goto wiz

if ($job = 17) goto rogue
if ($job = 4018) goto rogue

if ($job = 1Cool goto alche
if ($job = 4019) goto alche

if ($job = 4020) goto bdc
if ($job = 4021) goto bdc

if ($job = 19) goto bdc
if ($job = 20) goto bdc

if ($job = 14) goto crs
if ($job = 4015) goto crs
if ($job = 21) goto crs
if ($job = 4022) goto crs

if ($job = 23) goto sn

if ($job = 10) goto bs
if ($job = 4011) goto bs

if ($job = 4047) goto tm
if ($job = 4048) goto tm

if ($job = 4049) goto sl

if ($job = 7) goto knit
if ($job = 13) goto knit
if ($job = 174) goto knit
if ($job = 4014) goto knit

goto unspirit

if ($di < Cool goto sin1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto sage1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto pris1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto monk1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto wiz1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto rogue1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto alche1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto bdc1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto crs1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto sn1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto bs1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto tm1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto sl1
goto far
if ($di < Cool goto knit1
goto far

do sp 457 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 449 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 454 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 447 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 453 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 456 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 445 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 455 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 450 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 451 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 458 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 448 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 461 "$n"
goto finish
do sp 452 "$n"
goto finish

release all
do e no1

release all
do c sori $n I don't have Spirit for your player!

do sp 464 "$n"

do sp 465 "$n"

do sp 463 "$n"

do c $n Come Here Now! You'r So Far! ^^


Macro disconet

macro buat disconet dalam keadaan tertentu

automacro checkhp {
hp < 20%
call help

macro help{
log quitting coz of low hp
do quit

Penjelasan Pemasangan Macro

Untuk pemasangan macros pertama kalo yang kamu musti lakukan adalah DL macro plugin.
setelah kamu download macro plugin. kamu bikin ato buat folder Plugins.

dan sesudah seperti d atas jadi nya akan seperti ini

nie untuk download macro plugin versi 2.0.2 bisa d ambil d sini.

setelah langkah d atas

masuk ke folder control seperti gambar d atas.
lalu buat notepad dgn nama macros(dgn format.txt)

Tentang Vending

(nama shop)
#(nama item)(harga)(jumlah item yang d vending)
Chain [3]
Andre Card 200,000 5
Chain[3] 800,000

# This file controls which items to put into your shop, when you are
# vending. To enable vending, set the 'shopAuto' configuration option in
# config.txt to 1.
# The first line of the file is your shop title.
# Subsequent lines are of this format (tab-delimited):
# []
# If has commas in it, they must appear in the right places.
# This can be useful for preventing accidentally vending an item
# for the wrong price.

Pickup item

# Tell Kore to pickup (or not to pickup) certain items.
# Format:
# - name of item (not case sensitive)
# - -1 to drop the item when it appears in inventory
# (useful for Rogues with auto-steal),
# 0 to not pick up the item,
# 1 to pickup the item,
# 2 to take the item as fast as it can
# Use the item name "all" to tell kore to pickup or not pickup all items
# by default.

all 0
Gold 2(mengambil dgn cpt jika bisa)
Yggdrasill Seed 1(mengambil item)
Panacea 0(tidak memungut item tersebut)

Penjelasan Mon_controls

# This file allows specific AI control for certain monsters
# Syntax:
# : Name of monster as found in monsters.txt (not case sensitive)
# :
# -1 means to leave the monster alone, even if it attacks you.
# 0 means to leave the monster alone, unless it attacks you.
# 1 means to always auto-attack this monster.
# 2 means always aggressive, auto-attack this monster when it appears, even if sitting.
# 3 means to attack the monster once (provoke) then leave it, useful for mobbing.
# :
# 1 to teleport if the monster is on the screen.
# 2 to teleport if the monster attacks you.
# 3 to disconnect if the monster is on your screen.
# This is only used in auto-attack mode.
# : Put a 1 to only attack the monster in the search mode.
# This is only used in auto-attack mode.
# : Set to 1 if you want to interrupt spells casted by this
# monster.
# : Only auto-attack this monster if your level is higher than the
# specified level.
# : Only auto-attack this monster if your job level is higher than
# the specified level.
# : Only auto-attack this monster if your HP is higher than the
# specified amount. The HP is not specified in percentage.
# : Only auto-attack this monster if your SP is higher than the
# specified amount. The SP is not specified in percentage.
# : Counts this monster as the specified amount aggressives. Supports floating point numbers (eg 1.8237402).
# Example:
# (config.txt)
# teleportAuto_minAggressives 6
# teleportAuto_minAggressivesInLock 6
# (mon_control.txt)
# Hydra 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2
# Merman 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
# If there's five hydras and two sword fish attacks the bot, it won't
# teleport away since the aggressives are counted as 5*0.2 + 2*1 = 3
# However, two marcs and two merman will make it tele away because
# it sees 2*1* + 2*2 = 6 aggressives.
# Monsters not found in this file, or flags not specified will default to:
# = 1
All 2 0 0 ( menyerang dgn aggresive)
Evil Druid 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.1 ( teleport jika monster lebih dari 1)
Evil Druid 0 0 1 ( mencari monster)

Penjelasan Item_controls

# In this file you can control which items to put in storage,
# to sell, or to leave in the inventory.
# Syntax:
# (item name) (minimum) (auto-store) (auto-sell) [put in cart] [get from cart]
# item name : Name of the item.
# miminum : The minimum amount of this item that you want to keep in inventory.
# autostore : Set to 1 to walk back to a Kapra NPC to put in storage.
# autosell : Set to 1 to sell item at a buy/sell NPC.
# put in cart : Set to 1 to automatically put this item in cart.
# get from cart : Set to 1 to automatically get this item from cart.
# The example below will sell all jellopies, store all knifes and puts
# all flowers in cart:
# Jellopy 0 0 1
# Knife 0 1 0
# Flower 0 0 0 1
# This example will get Red Potions from cart if you have less than 25
# of them in your inventory:
# Red Potion 25 0 0 0 1
# The item name isn't case sensitive. Only items found in this file will
# be stored or sold.
# If auto-store and auto-sell are 1, Kore will do storage first (unless
# storage is full) then sell.
# Kore will not sell or store equipped items. For example, if you're using
# a knife and you have a line to auto-sell all knives, kore will sell any
# extras it picks up, not the knife it's using.
# Don't forget to set the storageAuto, sellAuto and related configuration
# options in config.txt, or this file won't have any effect.
# An auto-sell list and auto-storage list is provided by default, modify it
# as you see fit.

# All items not mentioned in this file will be automatically stored in storage.
all 1 0 0 (auto menaruh smua barang d inventory ke dalam kafra)
Yggdrasillberry 20 1 0 0 0 (auto menaruh d kafra/storage)
Yggdrasillberry 20 0 1 0 0 (auto menjual)
Yggdrasillberry 20 0 0 1 0 (auto menaruh d dalam cart)
Yggdrasillberry 20 0 0 0 1 (auto mengambil dalam cart)

Pengertian/penjelasan tentang config

# Please Read the Users Manual
# The Manual is located at

######## Login options and server-specific options ########


# For an overview of all servertypes please go to the following URL:
serverType 0

# 1 = hook into RO client, 2 = Act as stand-alone proxy, proxy = act as true proxy
XKore 0
XKore_silent 1
XKore_bypassBotDetection 0
XKore_exeName ragexe.exe

# XKore 2 / Proxy configuration
XKore_listenPort 6901

# It is not advised to set secureAdminPassword if you're using Xkore 2
secureAdminPassword 1
commandPrefix ;

pauseMapServer 0
ignoreInvalidLogin 0

message_length_max 80

######## Main configuration ########

alias_heal sp 28

allowedMaps_reaction 1

attackAuto 2
attackAuto_party 1
attackAuto_onlyWhenSafe 0
attackAuto_followTarget 1
attackAuto_inLockOnly 1
attackDistance 1.5
attackDistanceAuto 0
attackMaxDistance 2.5
attackMaxRouteDistance 100
attackMaxRouteTime 4
attackMinPlayerDistance 2
attackMinPortalDistance 4
attackUseWeapon 1
attackNoGiveup 0
attackCanSnipe 0
attackCheckLOS 0
attackLooters 0
attackChangeTarget 1
aggressiveAntiKS 0

autoMoveOnDeath 0


autoBreakTime {

autoConfChange {

autoMakeArrows 0

autoRestart 0

autoRestartMin 10800
autoRestartSeed 3600

autoRestartSleep 1
autoSleepMin 900
autoSleepSeed 900

autoResponse 0


avoidGM_near 0
avoidGM_near_inTown 0
avoidGM_talk 0
avoidGM_reconnect 1800

avoidList 1
avoidList_inLockOnly 0
avoidList_reconnect 1800

cachePlayerNames 1
cachePlayerNames_duration 900
cachePlayerNames_maxSize 100

clientSight 20

dcOnDeath 0
dcOnDualLogin 0
dcOnDisconnect 0
dcOnEmptyArrow 0
dcOnMute 0
dcOnPM 0
dcOnZeny 0
dcOnStorageFull 1
dcOnPlayer 0

follow 0 ( untuk follow ganti dgn 1)
followTarget (nama target yang mau kamu ikuti)
followEmotion 1
followEmotion_distance 4
followFaceDirection 0
followDistanceMax 6 (jarak maximal mengikuti)
followDistanceMin 3 (jarak minimal mengikuti)
followLostStep 12
followSitAuto 0
followBot 0

itemsTakeAuto 2
itemsTakeAuto_party 0
itemsGatherAuto 2
itemsMaxWeight 89
itemsMaxWeight_sellOrStore 48
itemsMaxNum_sellOrStore 99
cartMaxWeight 7900
itemsTakeAuto_new 0

lockMap (nama map)

route_escape_unknownMap 1
route_escape_reachedNoPortal 1
route_escape_randomWalk 1
route_randomWalk 1
route_randomWalk_inTown 0
route_randomWalk_maxRouteTime 75
route_maxNpcTries 5
route_teleport 0
route_teleport_minDistance 150
route_teleport_maxTries 8
route_step 15

runFromTarget 0
runFromTarget_dist 6

saveMap (nama map d mana kamu mau save pos)
saveMap_warpToBuyOrSell 1

shopAuto_open 0
shop_random 0

sitAuto_hp_lower 0 (duduk jika hp kamu d bawah 40%)
sitAuto_hp_upper 0
sitAuto_sp_lower 0
sitAuto_sp_upper 0
sitAuto_over_50 0
sitAuto_idle 1

statsAddAuto 0 ( menambah stats dgn otomatis)
statsAddAuto_list (nama stats yang mau kamu tambah)
statsAddAuto_dontUseBonus 0
statsAdd_over_99 0

skillsAddAuto 1
skillsAddAuto_list (nama skill)

tankMode 0

dealAuto 1
partyAuto 1
partyAutoShare 0
guildAutoDeny 1

verbose 1
showDomain 0

logChat 0
logPrivateChat 1
logPartyChat 1
logGuildChat 1
logSystemChat 1
logConsole 0
logAppendUsername 1

chatTitleOversize 0
shopTitleOversize 0

sleepTime 10000
intervalMapDrt 1

ignoreAll 0
itemHistory 0
autoTalkCont 1
noAutoSkill 0
portalRecord 2
missDamage 0



######## Block options ########
# You can copy & paste any block multiple times. So if you want to
# configure two attack skills, just duplicate the attackSkillSlot block.

attackSkillSlot nama skill buat attak{
lvl 10
dist 1.5
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
sp > 10
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0 ( hanya d lockmap)
notInTown 0
timeout 0
disabled 0
monsters (monster yang mau kamu bunuh dgn skill)
maxAttempts 0
maxUses 0 (max penggunaan)
isSelfSkill 0
manualAI 0

attackComboSlot (digunakan untuk skill combo){
afterSkill (menggunakan sesudah skill)
waitBeforeUse (menunggu sebelum skill)
dist 1.5
isSelfSkill 1

useSelf_skill nama skill{
lvl 10
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
whenStatusInactive status skill(utnuk paket bisa d gunakan seperti nama skill)
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 0
timeout 0
disabled 0
manualAI 0

useSelf_skill_smartHeal 1

partySkill nama skill(harus benar){
lvl 10 (lv skill)
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 0
timeout 0
disabled 0
manualAI 0
target_timeout 0
target_dead 0
isSelfSkill 0


# NOTE: In the case of two handed weapons, or no Shield,
# duplicate the weapon name for 'rightHand'
# To attack with bare hands, specify "[NONE]" (without the quotes) for rightHand

autoSwitch {
rightHand (otomatis mengganti equip d sebelah kanan)
leftHand (otomatis mengganti equip d sebelah kiri)
arrow (otomatis mengganti arrow)

equipAuto {
topHead (nama tophead kamu)
midHead (nama midhead kamu)
lowHead (nama lowhead kamu)
leftHand (nama item lefthand kamu)
rightHand (nama item righthand kamu)
leftAccessory (left accesory kamu)
rightAccessory (right accesory)
robe (robe kamu)
armor (armor kamu)
shoes (shoes kamu)
arrow (arrow yang mau kamu gunakan)
monsters (nama monster
weight 0
whileSitting 0
hp ( mengganti equip jika hp kamu seperti yang kamu kehendaki)
sp ( mengganti equip jika hp kamu seperti yang kamu kehendaki)
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 0
timeout 0
disabled 0
manualAI 0

useSelf_item (nama item yang akan d gunakan){
hp (penggunaan item sesuai hp yang d kehendaki)
sp (penggunaan item sesuai sp yang d kehendaki)
whenStatusInactive ( menggunakan jika effect status hilang)
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 0
timeout ( waktu yang d butuh kan untuk menggunakan )
disabled 0
manualAI 0

######## Autostorage/autosell ########

buyAuto (Nama item){
npc (map x y)
distance 5
minAmount 2
maxAmount 3

sellAuto 0
sellAuto_npc (map x y)
sellAuto_distance 5

storageAuto 1
storageAuto_npc (map x y)
storageAuto_distance 5
storageAuto_npc_type 1
storageAuto_password (pasword npc kamu)
storageAuto_keepOpen 0
storageAuto_useChatCommand (d gunakan untuk d privat server yang menyediakan layanan @storage,@gstorage)
relogAfterStorage 1
minStorageZeny 50

getAuto {

######## Debugging options; only useful for developers ########

debug 0
debugPacket_unparsed 0
debugPacket_received 0
debugPacket_ro_sent 0
debugPacket_sent 0

Macros Vending

Nie buat vending...

automacro startup {
run-once 1
exclusive 1
log Starting up, Checking inventory...
call check_inventory

automacro check_shop {
run-once 1
soldout >= 1
log I'm outta something... Checking inventory...
call check_inventory

macro check_inventory {
## Define items and base Values. If item not in use then = Null.
## Make sure that your shop.txt file includes what you want to sell
$item1 = Red Potion
$bitem1 = 500
$item2 = Concentration Potion
$bitem2 = 20
$item3 = Orange Potion
$bitem3 = 200

log Closing Shop and Checking Inventory...
do closeshop
if ($item1 = Null) goto ierror
$citem1 = @cartamount ($item1)
$call = 0
if ($citem1 >= $bitem1) goto noitem1
$aitem1 = @eval ($bitem1 - $citem1)
log Mmm... I need $aitem1 $item1...
$call = @eval ($call + 1)
if ($item2 = Null) goto restock
goto citem2
log Nope, I do not need $item1...
if ($item2 = Null) goto np
goto citem2
$citem2 = @cartamount ($item2)
if ($citem2 >= $bitem2) goto noitem2
$aitem2 = @eval ($bitem2 - $citem2)
log Mmm... I need $aitem2 $item2...
$call = @eval ($call + 2)
if ($item3 = Null) goto restock
goto citem3
log Nope, I do not need $item2...
if ($item3 = Null) goto np
goto citem3
$citem3 = @cartamount ($item3)
if ($citem3 >= $bitem3) goto noitem3
$aitem3 = @eval ($bitem3 - $citem3)
log Mmm... I need $aitem3 $item3...
$call = @eval ($call + 4)
goto restock
log Nope, I do not need $item3...
goto np
call restock
goto end
log Inventory looks fine. Reopening Store...
do openshop
goto end
log Item #1 can not be Null. Exiting...
goto end
release check_shop

macro restock {
$where = $.pos
$map = $.map
if ($map = "prontera") goto prontera
if ($map = "payon") goto payon
if ($map = "prt_in") goto prontera
log HELP! I am at $map and I cant find my vendor...
goto end
do move 129 72 prt_in
## $npc = (126 76)
do talk @npc (126 76)
call items
call return
goto end
## $npc = (159 96)
if ($where != "168 96") do move 168 96 payon
do talk @npc (159 96)
call items
call return
goto end

macro items {
if ($call = 1) goto item1
if ($call = 2) goto item2
if ($call = 3) goto items12
if ($call = 4) goto item4
if ($call = 5) goto item23
if ($call = 6) goto item24
if ($call = 7) goto item123
if ($call >=8) goto error
goto end
do store
do buy @store ($item1) $aitem1
do cart add @inventory ($item1) $aitem1
goto end
do store
do buy @store ($item2) $aitem2
do cart add @inventory ($item2) $aitem2
goto end
do store
do buy @store ($item3) $aitem3
do cart add @inventory ($item3) $aitem3
goto end
do store
do buy @store ($item1) $aitem1
do buy @store ($item2) $aitem2
do cart add @inventory ($item1) $aitem1
do cart add @inventory ($item2) $aitem2
goto end
do store
do buy @store ($item1) $aitem1
do buy @store ($item3) $aitem3
do cart add @inventory ($item1) $aitem1
do cart add @inventory ($item3) $aitem3
goto end
do store
do buy @store ($item2) $aitem2
do buy @store ($item3) $aitem3
do cart add @inventory ($item2) $aitem2
do cart add @inventory ($item3) $aitem3
goto end
do store
do buy @store ($item1) $aitem1
do buy @store ($item2) $aitem2
do buy @store ($item3) $aitem3
do cart add @inventory ($item1) $aitem1
do cart add @inventory ($item2) $aitem2
do cart add @inventory ($item3) $aitem3
goto end
log Im confused on what I need to buy. Ending...
goto end

macro return {
log Got what I needed... Returning to $where $map
do move $where $map
do openshop
release check_shop

Macros Repair

Nie macro repair

Sample. Macro d bawah bisa d ganti
# Auto-Repair v2
###################### Head #######################
automacro repair_head {
inventory "BROKEN +8 Bulb Band [Marin*2]" = 1
map um_fild04
run-once 1
call auto_repair_cmd
#################### RightHand ####################
automacro repair_righthand {
inventory "BROKEN +5 Tirfing [The Paper*4]" = 1
map um_fild04
run-once 1
call auto_repair_cmd
#################### LeftHand #####################
automacro repair_lefthand {
inventory "BROKEN +4 Tirfing [The Paper*4]" = 1
map um_fild04
run-once 1
call auto_repair_cmd
###################### Armor ######################
automacro repair_armor {
inventory "BROKEN +8 Chain Mail [Ghostring] [1]" = 1
map um_fild04
run-once 1
call auto_repair_cmd

macro auto_repair_cmd {
c @warp prt_in 59 63
@pause 3
c @storage
@pause 3
storage get Steel 1
@pause 3
talknpc 62 54 c r0 r0 n
@pause 3
eq +8 Bulb Band [Marin*2]
@pause 3
eq +4 Tirfing [The Paper*4]
@pause 3
eq +5 Tirfing [The Paper*4]
@pause 3
eq +8 Chain Mail [Ghostring] [1]
@pause 3
c @warp um_fild04 174 42
@release repair_head
@release repair_righthand
@release repair_lefthand
@release repair_armor

Macros Avoid

Nie buat yang bot wiz,hunter

automacro avoid {
map moc_fild12
monster Picky,Super Picky,PecoPeco's Egg,Drops, 12
#Notice the coma space and number 12 above? This avoid automacro only trigger if any of the monster list
#distance is equal or less than the number given.
timeout 5
exclusive 1
set Move 10
#set Move to how many distance per trigger you want it to move.
call check
macro check {
$mon = $.lastMonster
$monID = $.lastMonsterID
$dist = $.lastMonsterDist
$monPos = $.lastMonsterPos
$map = $.map
$myPos = $.pos
$myPosX = @arg ("$myPos", 1)
$myPosY = @arg ("$myPos", 2)
$monPosX = @arg ("$monPos", 1)
$monPosY = @arg ("$monPos", 2)
$map = $.map
do eval message T("Macro Avoid: $::Macro::Data::varStack{mon} \($::Macro::Data::varStack{monID}\)\n"), "teleport"; message T("Monster Dist\= $::Macro::Data::varStack{dist} \, Monster Loc\: \($::Macro::Data::varStack{monPosX},$::Macro::Data::varStack{monPosY}\) Map\= $::Macro::Data::varStack{map}\n"), "teleport";
do as

if ($myPosX > $monPosX) goto east
if ($myPosX < $monPosX) goto west
if ($myPosY < $monPosY) goto X0south
if ($myPosY > $monPosY) goto X0north
log We have the same co-ord to the Monster
do @random ("east", "west", "south", "north") $Move
log Move Random
log Monster Loc: North X-axis0
do south $Move
log Move South
log Monster Loc: South X-axis0
do north $Move
log Move North

if ($myPosY < $monPosY) goto eastSouth
if ($myPosY > $monPosY) goto eastNorth
log Monster Loc: West Y-axis0
do east $Move
log Move East
log Monster Loc: NorthWest
do southeast $Move
log Move South East
log Monster Loc: SouthWest
do northeast $Move
log Move North East

if ($myPosY < $monPosY) goto westSouth
if ($myPosY > $monPosY) goto westNorth
log Monster Loc: East Y-axis0
do west $Move
log Move West
log Monster Loc: NorthEast
do southwest $Move
log Move South West
log Monster Loc: SouthEast
do northwest $Move
log Move North West

Macro buat bikin thief

Nie macros buat bikin thief dari novice dgn menggunakan bot.. smoga aja masi berhasil.

#Novice to Thief Macro byMasahiro

automacro thief{
inventory "Orange Gooey Mushroom" <>= 1
inventory "Orange Net Mushroom" >= 8
call done
run-once 1

automacro gathered2 {
inventory "Orange Gooey Mushroom" >= 4
inventory "Orange Net Mushroom" >= 7
call done
run-once 1

automacro gathered3 {
inventory "Orange Gooey Mushroom" >= 7
inventory "Orange Net Mushroom" >= 6
call done
run-once 1

automacro gathered4 {
inventory "Orange Gooey Mushroom" >= 10
inventory "Orange Net Mushroom" >= 5
call done
run-once 1

automacro gathered5 {
inventory "Orange Gooey Mushroom" >= 13
inventory "Orange Net Mushroom" >= 4
call done
run-once 1

automacro gathered6 {
inventory "Orange Gooey Mushroom" >= 16
inventory "Orange Net Mushroom" >= 3
call done
run-once 1

automacro gathered7 {
inventory "Orange Gooey Mushroom" >= 19
inventory "Orange Net Mushroom" >= 2
call done
run-once 1

automacro gathered8 {
inventory "Orange Gooey Mushroom" >= 22
inventory "Orange Net Mushroom" >= 1
call done
run-once 1

automacro gathered9 {
inventory "Orange Gooey Mushroom" >= 25
call done
run-once 1

automacro gathered10 {
inventory "Orange Net Mushroom" >= 9
call done
run-once 1

macro done {
do is @inventory (Butterfly Wing)
pause 3
do conf attackAuto 0
do conf route_randomWalk 0
do conf autoTalkCont 1
do move 41 125 moc_prydb1
pause 1
do talk @npc (42 133)
pause 3

automacro died {
map morocc
call ban
run-once 1

macro ban {
do move 135 130 moc_ruins
do talk @npc (141 125)
pause 3
do conf attackAuto 2
do conf route_randomWalk 1
do conf itemsTakeAuto 2
do conf itemsGatherAuto 2
release all