# PLAYER KILL MACRO Version 1.0.0 Beta #
# Requires Macro Plugin 1.3.x
# By : MaSaHiRo
automacro ignorepm {
pm /bot/
timeout 1
call pm
automacro ignorepm2 {
pm /botter/
timeout 1
call pm
automacro ignorepm3 {
pm /report/
timeout 1
call pm
automacro ignorepm4 {
pm /ur name/
timeout 1
call pm
macro pm {
$pm = @eval ($pm + 1)
if ($pm >= 2) goto ignore
goto end
pause 3
do ignore 1 $.lastpm
$pm = 0
automacro subload {
overideAI 1
run-once 1
timeout 1
call onload
macro onload {
# Macro Config
do conf macro_debug 0
#Edit This:
#[ 1 = on | 0 = off ]
# Commands @warp, @go, etc
$allowA = 1
$kos = 1
$freewill = 1
# use 2 or 0
$randomwalk = 2
$nohide = 0
$fp = 0
$skills = 1
$lock = 1
$homemap = prt_fild09 29 295
$lockedmap = prt_fild08 150 365
$fpbot = "= ur name bot for FP ="
$master = Master Name
$follow = @config(follow)
# character: $atk - attack skill
$atk = sp 266
# If your jobclass is champion or hpriest leave none, else set this to 1
$job = none
# Dont mess with this:
$hello = Hi $master ! Our Enemies: @config(kos_pk) @config(kos_pk2).
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next1
do follow $master
if (@arg("$lockedmap", 1) = prt_fild08) goto makelocprt
$location = $.map
goto next2
$location = prt_fild08
$lastpos = 0 0 $.map
$damage = 0
$nmes = 0
# Say that you are online
do pm "$master" $hello
# Log (you can remove it)
log ===================================================
log PVP (BVP) Macros
log ===================================================
log Master: $master
log Skill Usage On Players - Ruwach: $nohide Buffs: $skills
log Random Walk: $randomwalk Free will: $freewill KOS: $kos
log Homeplace: $homemap Locked Place: $lockedmap
log Commands are: follow / stop / prt / gef / pay / br
log home / fp / walk / free / duel / kill / kos / skill / warp / go
log ===================================================
log Kill On Sight players: @config(kos_pk) @config(kos_pk2)
log ===================================================
call move2
automacro mapchange99 {
mapchange any
call {
release newmove
automacro masterlost {
#var randomwalk = 2
exclusive 1
console "I lost my master"
timeout 1
#location prt_fild08
call {
release move
release newmove
automacro masterfound {
hook player
exclusive 1
var randomwalk = 2
console "Found my master!"
timeout 1
#location prt_fild08
call {
lock newmove
#### KOS
automacro kos2 {
status not dead
exclusive 1
overideAI 1
hook player
location not "name for map"
location not "name for map"
location not "name for map"
location not "name for map"
var kos = 1
call kos1
macro kos1 {
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
goto end
lock move
lock freew
lock newmove
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
$mytarget = @config(kos_pk)
set exclusive 0
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk))
goto end
lock move
lock freew
lock newmove
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
$mytarget = @config(kos_pk2)
set exclusive 0
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk2))
automacro move {
#overideAI 1
var randomwalk = 1
priority 5
location not "name for map"
location not "name for map"
location not "name for map"
location not "name for map"
timeout 10
call move3
automacro newmove {
#overideAI 1
#location gef_fild10, prt_fild08
priority 5
location not "name for map"
location not "name for map"
location not "name for map"
location not "name for map"
var randomwalk = 2
timeout 10
call move2
macro move2 {
set exclusive 0
$look = @random ("look 4", "lookp @player($master)", "look 4")
$px = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$py = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
if ($.map = map name) goto "map name"
if ($.map = map name) goto "map name"
if ($.map = @arg("$homemap", 3)) goto end
goto other
$n = @rand(1, 5)
$m = @rand(1, 5)
$posx = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$posy = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$eval = @random ("-", "+")
$lastpos = @eval ($px $eval $n) @eval ($py $eval $m) $.map
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
do move @eval ($px $eval $n) @eval ($py $eval $m) $.map
goto end
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
$n = @rand (0,1)
$m = @rand(1, 2)
$posx = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$posy = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$eval = @random ("-", "-")
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
do move @eval ($posx $eval $n) @eval ($posy $eval $m) $.map
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
$do = @random ("ss 135", "ss 406", "", "ss 138", "ss 406", "look 4", "ss 135", "ss 406", "ss 406")
do $do
goto end
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
$mrnd = @rand (1, 3)
if ($mrnd = 1) goto move
if ($mrnd = 2) goto ss
if ($mrnd = 3) goto ss
goto end
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
if (@arg("$lastpos", 3) != $.map) goto makenew
if (@arg("$lastpos", 1) = 0) goto makenew
$n = @rand(2, 6)
$m = @rand(2, 6)
$posx = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$posy = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$eval = @random ("-", "+")
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
do @random ("move $lastpos", "move @eval ($posx $eval $n) @eval ($posy $eval $m) $.map")
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
$do = @random ("ss 135", "ss 406", "", "ss 138", "ss 138", "look 4", "ss 150", "ss 135", "e ho")
do $do
goto end
:"map name"
$do = @random ("", "ss 406", "", "")
do $do
$xx = @rand (156, 171)
$yy = @rand (354, 360)
$px = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$py = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
do move $xx $yy $.map
goto cont
$do = @random ("", "ss 406", "", "")
do $do
$xx = @rand (65, 73)
$yy = @rand (308, 327)
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
do move $xx $yy $.map2
goto cont
$do = @random ("", "ss 406", "", "")
do $do
$posx = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$posy = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$n = @rand(1, 3)
$m = @rand(1, 3)
$eval = @random ("-", "+")
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
do move @eval ($posx $eval $n) @eval ($posy $eval $m) $.map
goto cont
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end2
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk2))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end2
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
macro move3 {
set exclusive 0
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
$look = @random ("look 4", "lookp @player($master)", "look 4")
$px = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$py = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
if ($.map = @arg("$homemap", 3)) goto end
goto other
$n = @rand(1, 5)
$m = @rand(1, 5)
$posx = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$posy = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$eval = @random ("-", "+")
$lastpos = @eval ($px $eval $n) @eval ($py $eval $m) $.map
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
do move @eval ($px $eval $n) @eval ($py $eval $m) $.map
goto end
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
$n = @rand (0,1)
$m = @rand(1, 2)
$posx = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$posy = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$eval = @random ("-", "+")
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
do move @eval ($posx $eval $n) @eval ($posy $eval $m) $.map
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
$do = @random ("ss 135", "ss 406", "", "ss 138", "ss 406", "look 4", "ss 135", "ss 406", "ss 406")
do $do
goto end
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
$mrnd = @rand (1, 3)
if ($mrnd = 1) goto move
if ($mrnd = 2) goto ss
if ($mrnd = 3) goto ss
goto end
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
if (@arg("$lastpos", 3) != $.map) goto makenew
if (@arg("$lastpos", 1) = 0) goto makenew
$n = @rand(1, 5)
$m = @rand(1, 5)
$posx = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$posy = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$eval = @random ("-", "+")
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
do move @eval ($posx $eval $n) @eval ($posy $eval $m) $.map
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
$do = @random ("ss 135", "ss 406", "", "ss 138", "ss 138", "look 4", "ss 150", "ss 135", "e ho")
do $do
goto end
$do = @random ("", "ss 406", "", "")
do $do
$posx = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$posy = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$n = @rand(1, 3)
$m = @rand(1, 3)
$eval = @random ("-", "+")
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
#if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
do move @eval ($posx $eval $n) @eval ($posy $eval $m) $.map
goto cont
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk))
goto end
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk2))
goto end2
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
automacro freew {
overideAI 1
location not "map name"
location not "map name"
location not "map name"
location not "map name"
var freewill = 1
timeout 45
call freewill
macro freewill {
$will = @random ("macro sit", "look", "emo", "macro move2", "look", "emo", "macro move2", "macro attack", "macro san", "macro attack2", "macro san2")
if ($will = macro move2) goto move
if ($will = macro sit) goto sit
if ($will = look) goto look
if ($will = emo) goto emo
if ($will = macro attack) goto atk
if ($will = macro san) goto san
if ($will = macro attack2) goto atk2
if ($will = macro san2) goto san2
goto end
call move2
goto end
call sit
goto end
call emo
goto end
call look
call attack
call attack2
call san
call san2
macro look {
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
if (@player($master) >= 0) goto one
goto two
$look = lookp @player($master)
do $look
do $look
do $look
do $look
do $look
goto end
$look = @random ("look 4", "look 3", "look 5", "look 4")
do $look
goto end
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk2))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end
macro emo {
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
$look = @random ("e e2", "e e2", "c ....", "e ho", "e e10")
do $look
goto end
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk2))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end
macro sit {
if (@player($master) >= 0) goto one
goto two
$look = lookp @player($master)
do $look
goto sit
$look = @random ("look 4", "look 3", "look 5", "look 4", "look 4")
do $look
$times = @rand (8, 12)
$i = 0
while ($i < $times) as sitloop
pause 3
do sit
do $look
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
end sitloop
if (@player($master) >= 0) goto emo
goto end
pause 1
do @random ( "", "e e2", "", "", "e e8", "", "", "", "e ho", "e e10")
goto end
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk2))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end
macro san1 {
if (@player($master) >= 0) goto one
goto end
do @random ( "sp 70 $master", "sp 70 $master")
do @random ( "sp 70 $master", "sp 70 $master")
pause 1
do @random ( "", "e e2", "", "", "e e8", "", "", "", "e ho")
macro san2 {
# if (@player($master) >= 0) goto one
goto end
do @random ( "ss 70", "ss 70")
do @random ( "ss 70", "ss 70")
pause 1
macro attack {
if (@player($master) >= 0) goto one
goto end
do sp 156 $master
do @random ("sp 156 $master", "sp 28 $master", "","sp 156 $master")
do sp 28 $master
pause 2
do @random ( "e heh", "e e2", "", "", "e gg", "c P", "", "c ^^", "c =)", "")
macro attack2 {
$randplayer = @rand (0, 1)
if (@player($master) >= 0) goto one
do sp 156 $randplayer
do @random ("sp 156 $randplayer ", "sp 28 $randplayer ")
do @random ("sp 156 $randplayer ", "sp 28 $randplayer ")
pause 2
do @random ( "e heh", "e e2", "", "", "e gg", "e ho", "", "c xD", "", "")
##### SKILLS ######
automacro Healer {
var job != 1
pubm /heal|Heal|hp|HP/,6
sp >= 80%
timeout 20
call doheal
automacro Buffer {
var job != 1
class high priest
pubm /buff|bufs|Buffs|BUFF|baps|Buf|buffs|agi|bless/,6
sp >= 80%
timeout 20
call dobuff
automacro ruwach1 {
var job != 1
pubm /ruwach/,6
timeout 46
call dorwch
automacro res99 {
timeout 15
var job != 1
class high priest
pubm /res|resu|ressu|ress/
call Ressurection
automacro killme {
timeout 15
pubm /kill me|kill me pls/
call killme2
macro killme2 {
pause 2
do kill @player($.lastpub)
macro Ressurection {
if ($.lastpub = $master) goto one
if ($skills = 1) goto one
goto end
do ip @inventory (yggdrasil leaf) @player ($.lastpub)
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e ??", "c =/", "c no", "e ??", "", "", "")
pause 2
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e ok", "e e2", "", "")
automacro SW3 {
var job != 1
pubm /safety|safe|wall/
timeout 1
call SW4
macro SW4 {
if ($.lastpub = Hakuro) goto one
if ($skills = 1) goto one
goto end
do sp 12 "$.lastpub"
#do sp 24 "$.lastpub"
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e e8", "c =/", "c no", "e ?", "", "", "")
pause 2
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e ho", "e e2", "", "")
automacro Buffer2 {
timeout 15
var job != 1
class high priest
pubm /assump|asump|asp/,6
call assump
macro assump {
$name = $.lastpub
#if ($.lastpub = Hakuro) goto one
if ($skills = 1) goto one
goto end
do sp 361 "$.lastpub" 10
#do sp 24 "$.lastpub"
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e e8", "c no", "e gg", "")
pause 2
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e e10", "e e2", "c D", "", "")
automacro healz {
timeout 15
var job != 1
pm "heal"
pm "hp"
call healz2
automacro buffz {
timeout 15
var job != 1
pm /buff/i
call buffz2
macro doheal {
if ($.lastpub = $master) goto one
if ($skills = 1) goto one
goto end
$times = @rand (2, 7)
$i = 0
while ($i < $times ) as healloop
do sp 28 "$.lastpub" 10
end healloop
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e ??", "c =/", "c no", "e ??", "", "", "")
pause 3
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e gg", "e e2", "", "")
macro buffz2 {
if ($.lastpm = $master)goto one
goto end
do sp 34 "$.lastpm" 10
do sp 29 "$.lastpm" 10
do sp 361 "$.lastpm" 10
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e e8", "c =/", "c no", "e ??", "", "", "")
pause 2
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e gg", "e e2", "", "")
macro healz2 {
if ($.lastpm = $master) goto one
goto end
$times = @rand (6, 12)
$i = 0
while ($i < $times ) as healloop
log loop $i
do sp 28 "$.lastpm" 10
end healloop
goto end
macro dorwch {
do sp 24 "$.lastpub"
macro dobuff {
if ($.lastpub = $master) goto one
if ($skills = 1) goto one
goto end
do sp 34 "$.lastpub" 10
do sp 29 "$.lastpub" 10
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e e8", "c =/", "c no", "e ?", "", "", "")
pause 2
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e gg", "e e2", "", "")
automacro SW1 {
var job != 1
pm /^(sw)$/
call SW2
macro SW2 {
if ($.lastpm = $master) goto one
goto end
do sp 12 "$.lastpm"
#do sp 24 "$.lastpm"
goto end
automacro Ruwach999 {
var job != 1
console /Player .* .* uses Ruwach on himself/i
var nohide = 1
timeout 65
call {
pause 2
do ss 24
automacro nohide {
var job != 1
var nohide = 1
console /Player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Cloaking on himself/i
timeout 25
call {
do sp 24 $.lastMatch2
automacro nohide2 {
var job != 1
var nohide = 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Hiding on himself/i
timeout 25
call {
do sp 24 $.lastMatch2
automacro nohide3 {
var job != 1
timeout 12
var nohide = 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Chase Walk on himself/i
call {
do sp 24 $.lastMatch2
######## COMMANDS / CHAT #########
automacro fs1 {
var job != 1
exclusive 1
pm "duel conf"
class champion
call {
do switchconf ChampDuel.txt
do pm "$.lastpm" switched duel
automacro fs2 {
var job != 1
exclusive 1
class champion
pm "main conf"
call {
do switchconf ChampMain.txt
do pm "$.lastpm" switched to main
automacro fs3 {
var job != 1
class high priest
exclusive 1
pm "party"
call {
do switchconf ChampParty.txt
do pm "$.lastpm" ok party
automacro fs4 {
class high priest
var job != 1
pm "party"
call {
do switchconf FSparty.txt
do pm "$.lastpm" ok party
automacro fs5 {
class high priest
var job != 1
pm "main"
call {
do switchconf FSmain.txt
do pm "$.lastpm" switched to main
automacro walk {
exclusive 1
pm /^(walk)$/
call {
if ($randomwalk = 2) goto off
if ($randomwalk = 1) goto on2
if ($randomwalk = 0) goto on
goto end
release move
$randomwalk = 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Randomwalk v 1 Enabled
goto end
$randomwalk = 2
do pm "$.lastpm" Randomwalk v 2 Enabled
goto end
$randomwalk = 0
do pm "$.lastpm" Randomwalk Disabled
goto end
automacro usefp {
exclusive 1
pm "fp"
call {
if ($fp = 1) goto off
if ($fp = 0) goto on
goto end
$fp = 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Using FP Enabled
goto end
$fp = 0
do pm "$.lastpm" Using FP Disabled
goto end
automacro Follow {
overrideAI 1
exclusive 1
pm /^(follow|fm|go)$/,
call follow2
macro follow2 {
do follow $.lastpm
do pm "$.lastpm" Following "$.lastpm" !!
$randomwalk = 1
automacro FollowP {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
party /^(follow|fm|go)$/
call follow3
macro follow3 {
do follow $.lastparty
do p " Following "$.lastparty" !!
$randomwalk = 1
automacro kos_no {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
pm "stop"
call {
#do pm "$.lastpm" Players: [ @config(kos_pk) | @config(kos_pk2) ] - are no longer my enemies.
do conf kos_pk none
do conf kos_pk2 none
$damage = 0
$pla = none
$kospla = none
do pm "$.lastpm" I stopped.
automacro kos_duel {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
pm "duel"
call {
do conf kos_pk $.lastpm
$freewill = 0
$damage = 10
pause 1
do pm "$.lastpm" @random ( "Lets Have Fun", "Game", "Sure")
pause 1
do @random ("e gg", "c XD", "e e9")
pause 1
do c 3
pause 1
do c 2
pause 1
do c 1
pause 1
do e go
do kill @player(@config(kos_pk))
automacro kos001 {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
pm /^(kos )/i
call {
$kospla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
if (@player($kospla) >= 0) goto kill
goto nopla
do conf kos_pk2 @config(kos_pk)
do conf kos_pk $kospla
do pm "$.lastpm" kos_pk set to: @config(kos_pk) | kos_pk2 set to: @config(kos_pk2)
do kill @player($kospla)
goto end
$pla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
do pm "$.lastpm" Can't recognize $kospla. Spell his name accurately.
goto end
do pm "$.lastpm" Player $kospla doesn't exists.
do pm "$.lastpm" Searching again....
$kospla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 3) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 4) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 5) @arg("$.lastpmMsg", 6)
if (@player($kospla) >= 0) goto kill
goto nopla2
automacro killpla {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
pm /^(kill )/i
call {
$pla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
if (@arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2) = me) goto killme
if (@player($pla) >= 0) goto kill
goto nopla
do pm "$.lastpm" I am gonna kill you !!!
do kill @player($.lastpm)
goto end
do pm "$.lastpm" I am gonna kill $pla
do kill @player($pla)
goto end
$pla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
do pm "$.lastpm" Can't recognize $pla. Spell his name accurately.
goto end
do pm "$.lastpm" Player $pla doesn't exists.
do pm "$.lastpm" Searching again....
$pla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 3) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 4) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 5) @arg("$.lastpmMsg", 6)
if (@player($pla) >= 0) goto kill
goto nopla2
automacro wait {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
pm /^(wait|w)$/,
call wait2
macro wait2 {
do conf follow 0
do sit
do pm "$.lastpm" Waiting you at $.map !!
automacro skills {
exclusive 1
pm "skill"
call {
if ($skills = 1) goto off
if ($skills = 0) goto on
goto end
$skills = 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Autoskills Enabled
goto end
$skills = 0
do pm "$.lastpm" Autoskills Disabled
goto end
automacro setfw {
exclusive 1
pm "free"
call {
if ($freewill = 1) goto off
if ($freewill = 0) goto on
goto end
$freewil = 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Free Will Enabled
goto end
$freewill = 0
do pm "$.lastpm" Free Will Disabled
goto end
automacro status {
exclusive 1
pm "st"
call {
do pm $.lastpm My positon: $.pos $.map. Locked map: $lockedmap Enemies: @config(kos_pk) @config(kos_pk2).
# 0 - 26
automacro gowarp {
exclusive 1
pm /^(go )/i
call Lockmap77
macro Lockmap77 {
$go = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
do c @go $go
pause 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Warped to $.map
$location = $.map
$lock = 0
call move2
automacro dowarp {
exclusive 1
pm /^(warp )/i
call Lockmap78
macro Lockmap78 {
$warp = @arg("$.lastpmMsg", 2) @arg("$.lastpmMsg", 3) @arg("$.lastpmMsg", 4)
do c @warp $warp
pause 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Warped to $.map $.pos
$location = $.map
$lock = 0
call move2
automacro dowarpP {
exclusive 1
party /^(warp )/i
call Lockmap79
macro Lockmap79 {
$warp = @arg ("$.lastpartyMsg", 2) @arg ("$.lastpartyMsg", 3) @arg ("$.lastpartyMsg", 4)
do c @warp $warp
pause 1
do p Warped to $.map $.pos
$location = $.map
$lock = 0
call move2
automacro lockedmap3go19 {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
pm /^(pay)$/,
call {
$lock = 1
$lockedmap = Map_Name
$location = Map_name
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99
automacro lockedmap4go15 {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
pm /^(br)$/,
call {
$lock = 1
$lockedmap = new_1-1 52 111
$location = new_1-1
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99
automacro lockedmap1prt {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
pm /^(prt)$/,
call {
$lock = 1
$xxx = @rand (100, 200)
$yyy = @rand (335, 369)
$lockedmap = prt_fild08 $xxx $yyy
$location = map_name
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99
automacro lockedmap0home {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
pm /^(home)$/,
call {
$lock = 1
do conf follow 0
$lockedmap = $homemap
$location = Map_name
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99
automacro lockedmap2gef {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
pm /^(gef)$/,
call {
$lock = 1
$lockedmap = Map_name x, y
$location = Map_name
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99
# Do something when buffed
macro bemad {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("e e5", "c Oo", "sp 156 $.lastMatch2", "sp 78 $.lastMatch2", "", "e gg", "c lol", "e e2", "sp 78 $.lastMatch2")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
end buffloop
pause 2
do $mes
$.lastMatch2 = none
macro begood {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("c ty", "c thanx", "c thanks", "e lv2", "c ty^^", "c ^^", "c xD", "e thx", "e ho", "c thx")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
end buffloop
pause 2
do $mes
macro begood2 {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("c ty", "c thanx", "c thanks", "e lv2", "c ty^^", "c ^^", "c xD", "e thx", "buff", "buff", "buff")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
if ($mes = buff) goto buff
end buffloop
pause 1
do sp 34 $.lastMatch2 10
do sp 29 $.lastMatch2 10
goto end2
pause 2
do $mes
macro buffed02 {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("", "", "sp 34 $.lastMatch2 1", "c <.<", "e thx", "e e8", "e e2")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
if ($mes = unset) goto end
end buffloop
pause 2
do $mes
#$.lastMatch1 = none
macro buffed01 {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("", "", "sp 29 $.lastMatch2 1", "", "c >.>", "e ho", "", "c xD", "e e2")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
if ($mes = unset) goto end
end buffloop
pause 2
do $mes
#$.lastMatch1 = none
automacro fped101 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses full chemical protection on you.*/i
call begood2
timeout 30
automacro buffed11 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses blessing on you.*/i
call buffed02
timeout 50
automacro buffed12 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses increase agi on you.*/i
call buffed01
timeout 50
automacro buffed13 {
spell assumptio
timeout 45
call begood
automacro buffed14 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses provoke on you.*/i
call bemad
timeout 50
automacro buffed15 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses heal on you.*/i
call begood
timeout 50
macro pk_STAY_CALM {
set exclusive 1
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is playing with fire.
if ($damage > 2) goto one
goto over
pause 1
do @random ("e ?", "e e2", "e gg", "c lol", "", "c aw", "e e2")
macro pk_WARN {
set exclusive 1
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is playing with fire.
$damage = @eval($damage + 0.75)
#if ($damage > 5) goto one
if ($damage > 10) goto one
goto over
call KILL_PK
pause 2
do @random ( "", "", "e lv2", "e e2", "", "e gg", "", "e lv", "", "", "e heh", "", "", "c aw", "", "e e2")
macro pk_WARN2 {
set exclusive 1
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is playing with fire.
$damage = @eval ($damage + 0.75)
if ($damage > 10) goto one
goto over
call KILL_PK
pause 2
do @random ( "", "c aw", "e lv2", "e e2", "", "e gg", "", "e ?", "e lv", "c lol", "e heh", "e ??", "e ??")
macro pk_ATTACK_ONCE {
set exclusive 1
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 attacked me.
$damage = @eval ($damage + 2.5)
#if ($damage > 3) goto two
if ($damage > 10) goto two
goto one
do $atk $.lastMatch2
goto over
#pause 2
#do @random ("e gg", "", "e gg", "", "e e2", "", "", "e heh", "", "c aw", "", "c lol", "sp 156 $.lastMatch2", "sp 156 $.lastMatch2")
call KILL_PK
macro KILL_DEAD {
set exclusive 1
if ($.lastMatch1 = @config(kos_pk)) goto justkill
if ($.lastMatch1 = @config(kos_pk2)) goto justkill
if ($.lastMatch1 = $master) goto nvm
do conf kos_pk2 @config(kos_pk)
do conf kos_pk $.lastMatch1
do kill $.lastMatch2
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is my enemy !!
goto end
do pm "$master" I guess i am dead... $.lastMatch1 killed me @_@
do kill $.lastMatch2
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end
do pm "$master" I wont kill my master.
macro KILL_PK {
set exclusive 1
if ($.lastMatch1 = @config(kos_pk)) goto justkill
if ($.lastMatch1 = @config(kos_pk2)) goto justkill
if ($.lastMatch1 = $master) goto nvm
set exclusive 0
do kill $.lastMatch2
do conf kos_pk2 @config(kos_pk)
do conf kos_pk $.lastMatch1
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is my enemy !!
goto end
set exclusive 0
do kill $.lastMatch2
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 attacked me @_@
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end
do pm "$master" I wont kill my master.
goto end2
#$mes = @random ("e gg", "e e4", "c PWNT")
#if ($nmes = $mes) goto end2
#do $mes
#$nmes = $mes
automacro TargetDied {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
priority 0
console /player died: (.*) \((\d+)\).*/i
#console /target lost/i
call {
#do say lol
if (@player($.lastMatch1) = @player($mytarget)) goto taunt
goto end
#do say lol
#do c newb
release move
release freew
release newmove
$td = 1
$do = @random ("ss 138", "e gg", "e swt", "ss 138", "look 4", "look 4", "ss 150", "ss 150", "ss 406", "e e2", "e ho", "e swt")
do $do
automacro TargetResu {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
priority 0
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) has been resurrected/i
#console /target lost/i
call {
#do say lol
if (@player($.lastMatch1) = @player($mytarget)) goto taunt
goto end
#do say lol
#do c newb
call kos1
#$td = 1
#$do = @random ("ss 138", "e gg", "e swt", "ss 138", "look 4", "look 4", "ss 150", "ss 150", "ss 406", "e e2", "e ho", "e swt")
#do $do
automacro TargetLost {
exclusive 1
overrideAI 1
priority 0
console /target lost/i
#console /target lost/i
call {
#do say lol
if (@player($.lastMatch1) = @player($mytarget)) goto taunt
goto end
#do say lol
#do c newb
release move
release freew
release newmove
$do = @random ("ss 138", "e gg", "e swt", "ss 138", "look 4", "look 4", "ss 150", "ss 150", "ss 406", "e e2", "e ho", "e swt")
do $do
automacro pked378 {
overrideAI 1
timeout 3
####DAMAGE RANGE 100 - 999#########################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{2}\b/i
call pk_WARN
automacro pked554 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 2000 - 5999#######################
timeout 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[2-5][0-9]{3}\b/i
call pk_STAY_CALM
automacro pked959 {
overrideAI 1
priority 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 6000 - 9999#######################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[6-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK
automacro pked645 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call KILL_PK
automacro pked764 {
overrideAI 1
exclusive 1
# Asura? =)
####DAMAGE RANGE 100000 - 999999#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{5}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2
automacro pked356 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 10 - 90########################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{1}\b/i
timeout 3
call pk_WARN
automacro pked303 {
overrideAI 1
timeout 2
####DAMAGE RANGE 100 - 900########################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{2}\b/i
call pk_WARN
automacro pked101 {
overrideAI 1
timeout 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 4000#######################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[1-4][0-9]{3}\b/i
call pk_STAY_CALM
automacro pked102 {
overrideAI 1
#timeout 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 5000 - 9999#######################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[5-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK
automacro pked485 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call KILL_PK
automacro pked184 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE BOMB##########
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Demonstration (lvl 5) on you .*/i
call {
call KILL_PK
# Todo make bot recognize if enemy is ranged or not and use pneuma on self
automacro pked18554 {
####DAMAGE RANGE Ranged ##########
overrideAI 1
var job != 1
#timeout 1
exclusive 1
#priority 1
spell Double Strafe, Arrow Repel, Arrow Vulcan, Spear Boomerang, Blitz Beat, Finger Offensive
call {
do move 0 0
do ss 25
automacro pked5005 {
overrideAI 1
#priority 5
exclusive 1
timeout 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 2000 - 5999#######################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Blitz Beat on you .*/i
call {
#$damage = @eval ($damage + 2.5)
do move 0 0
do ss 25
#call pk_WARN2
automacro pked354597 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) is casting Extremly Fist on you *./i
call {
lock move
lock newmove
lock freew
call KILL_PK
automacro STRIP {
####FULL STRIP SKILL##############################
console /Player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses full strip on you.*/i
call KILL_PK
########### Hakuro ############
automacro PK_Hakuro4373 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses Vigor Absorption on player (.*) \((\d+)\)/i
call KILL_PK
########### Hakuro ############
automacro PK_Hakuro43788 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses Lex Aeterna on player (.*) \((\d+)\)/i
call KILL_PK
##########DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 4999#################
automacro PK_Hakuro313 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses .* on player (.*) \((\d+)\) - dmg: \b[1-4][0-9]{3}\b/i
##########DAMAGE RANGE 5000 - 9999#################
automacro PK_Hakuro323 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses .* on player (.*) \((\d+)\) - dmg: \b[5-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2
###########DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 999999##############
automacro PK_Hakuro333 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses .* on player (.*) \((\d+)\) - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4,5}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2
########### Hakuro^^ ############
##########DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 4999#################
automacro PK_Hakuro3 {
overrideAI 1
#player Hakuro^^
console /player - Hakuro - .* uses .* on player (.*) \((\d+)\) - dmg: \b[1-4][0-9]{3}\b/i
#console /Hakuro/i
##########DAMAGE RANGE 5000 - 9999#################
automacro PK_Hakuro3213 {
overrideAI 1
console /player - Hakuro - .* uses .* on player (.*) \((\d+)\) - dmg: \b[5-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2
###########DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 999999##############
automacro PK_Hakuro3313 {
overrideAI 1
console /player - Hakuro - .* uses .* on player (.*) \((\d+)\) - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4,5}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2
############ Hakuro ###############
############DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 3999###########
automacro pked_Hakuro991 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-3][0-9]{3}\b/i
###########DAMAGE RANGE 4000 - 9999############
automacro pked_Hakuro992 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[4-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK
###########DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999##########
automacro pked_Hakuro993 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2
############ - Hakuro - ###############
############DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 3999###########
automacro pked_Hakuro9291 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks player - Hakuro - .* - dmg: \b[1-3][0-9]{3}\b/i
###########DAMAGE RANGE 4000 - 9999############
automacro pked_Hakuro9922 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks player - Hakuro - .* - dmg: \b[4-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK
###########DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999##########
automacro pked_Hakuro9923 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks player - Hakuro - .* - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2
################# Hakuro #####################
#######DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 4999###############
automacro pk_Hakuro771 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-4][0-9]{3}\b/i
call pk_STAY_CALM
#######DAMAGE RANGE 5000 - 9999###############
automacro pk_Hakuro772 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[5-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK
######DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999############
automacro pked_Hakuro773 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2
######DAMAGE RANGE 100000 - 999999############
automacro pked_Hakuro153 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{5}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2
################# - Hakuro - #####################
#######DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 4999###############
automacro pk_Hakuro7721 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player - Hakuro - .* - dmg: \b[1-4][0-9]{3}\b/i
call pk_STAY_CALM
#######DAMAGE RANGE 5000 - 9999###############
automacro pk_Hakuro7722 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player - Hakuro - .* - dmg: \b[5-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK
######DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999############
automacro pked_Hakuro7723 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player - Hakuro - .* - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call KILL_PK
######DAMAGE RANGE 100000 - 999999############
automacro pked_Hakuro1523 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player - Hakuro - .* - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{5}\b/i
call KILL_PK
############### FP ###############
automacro fptimer {
var allowA = 1
overideAI 1
var fp = 1
status not cp weapon
hp > 25%
call fptrigger
timeout 12
macro fptrigger {
do c @warp $homemap
pause 2
do pm $fpbot fp
pause 3
call Lockmap99
#######HP SP############
automacro kittyhp {
var allowA = 1
status not dead
exclusive 1
hp > 0%
hp < 35%
timeout 10
call kittyhpsp
automacro kittynohp {
var allowA = 1
hp = 0%
exclusive 1
location payon
timeout 10
call kittynohp2
automacro kittysp {
var allowA = 1
hp > 0%
sp <= 15%
exclusive 1
timeout 10
call kittyhpsp
automacro kittynosp {
var allowA = 1
exclusive 1
overideAI 1
hp != 0%
sp = 0%
call afterAsurahpsp
macro kittynohp2 {
pause 1
do move x y "map_name"
macro kittyhpsp {
pause 1
do c @warp Map_name
pause 1
do talk @npc (x y)
pause 1
macro afterAsurahpsp {
pause 1
do c @warp Map_name
pause 1
do talk @npc (x y)
pause 1
#########LOCK MAP#################
automacro Go_To_Lockmap {
exclusive 1
var fp = 1
var lock = 1
overideAI 1
var allowA = 1
location not "map name"
location not "map name"
location not "map name"
location not "map name"
location not "map name"
hp > 40%
status cp weapon
timeout 5
call Lockmap99
automacro Go_To_Lockmap2 {
exclusive 1
overideAI 1
var fp = 0
var lock = 1
var allowA = 1
location not "map name"
location not "map name"
location not "map name"
location not "map name"
location not "map name"
hp > 40%
timeout 5
call Lockmap99
macro Lockmap99 {
release move
release freew
release newmove
#$damage = 0
if ($location = Map_name) goto prtfild
goto other
# $xxx = @random ("120", "200")
# $yyy = @rand (325, 345)
$xxx = @random("100", "200")
$yyy = @rand (365, 366)
do c @warp prt_fild08 $xxx $yyy
goto end
do c @warp $lockedmap
set exclusive 0
call move2
############ STORAGE ##############
automacro oweight {
exclusive 1
weight >= 70%
timeout 30
call storauto
macro storauto {
do autostorage
automacro gems {
class high priest
exclusive 1
inventory "Blue Gemstone" = 0
timeout 20
call storauto
automacro nogems {
class high priest
var job != 1
exclusive 1
storage "Blue Gemstone" = 0
timeout 10
call {
lock gems
lock nogems
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
PvP MaCrO By MaSaHiRo
Saya Harap Smua mau sedikit berusaha mengedit nya. Karena jika bermain copas saya yakin maka macro pvp ini tdk akan berhasil/jalan. Karena saya telah mengedit d bag tertentu.
Pengisian Server d Server.txt
notepad server.txt dapat d temukan d :
|- Tables
Ex :
setelah anda mengeluarkan sclientinfo ro kamu dan kamu buka maka akan kluar tampilan seperti berikut

setelah itu buka folder tables dan cari notepad dgn nama server.txt
maka akan kluar seperti berikut
untuk Ip anda dapat lihat d bagian "addres" pada sclientinfo
untuk port anda dapat lihat d bagian "port" pada sclientinfo
untuk version anda dapat lihat d bagian "version" d sclientinfo
untuk ServerType anda dapat lihat d bawah seperti berikut.
untuk serverEncoding anda dapat lihat dari pilihan berikut
|- Tables
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setelah anda mengeluarkan sclientinfo ro kamu dan kamu buka maka akan kluar tampilan seperti berikut
setelah itu buka folder tables dan cari notepad dgn nama server.txt
maka akan kluar seperti berikut
## http://www.xilero.net/
[XiLeRO TE Private Server]
port 6901
master_version 1
version 20
serverType 4
serverEncoding Western
untuk Ip anda dapat lihat d bagian "addres" pada sclientinfo
untuk port anda dapat lihat d bagian "port" pada sclientinfo
untuk version anda dapat lihat d bagian "version" d sclientinfo
untuk ServerType anda dapat lihat d bawah seperti berikut.
0 | Normal server |
1 | oRO (Oceania) (obsolete) |
2 | pRO (Philippines) |
3 | eAthena SVN |
4 | Freya |
5 | eAthena servers using sakexe628 |
6 | New oRO (Oceania) (obsolete) |
7 | Aegis 10.x with padded packets |
8 | kRO (Korea), before February 2007 (obsolete) |
8_1 | kRO (Korea), after February 2007 |
9 | eAthena |
10 | vRO (Vietnam), before February 2007 (obsolete) |
11 | euRO (Europe) before December 20 2006 (obsolete) |
12 | pRO (Philippines) Thor, as of October 22 2006 (obsolete) |
13 | rRO (Russia) and vRO (Vietnam) As of February 2007 |
14 | pRO (Philippines) Thor, as of December 1 2006 (obsolete) |
15 | pRO (Philippines) Thor, as of December 20 2006 |
16 | euRO (Europe), as of December 20 2006 |
17 | tRO (Thai) for 2007-05-22bRagexe (obsolete) |
17_1 | tRO (Thai) after October 19th, 2007 |
18 | iRO (International), as of June 21 2007. |
19 | pRO (Philippines) Valkyrie , as of October 19th, 2007 |
untuk serverEncoding anda dapat lihat dari pilihan berikut
1. WesternMungkin Untuk beberapa server perlu d tambahkan
2. Simplified Chinese
3. Korean
4. Russian
5. Japanese
6. Thai
charBlockSize 108
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