Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cara Melihat Ip serrver dgn menggunakan BOT

tool yang harus kamu punya :
1. Openkore
2. Ragexedual ( untuk Idro ) & ( untuk server lain yang sudah bisa dual login tidak perlu d rubah. )

Pertama yang musti kamu lakuiin

XKore 1
XKore_silent 1
XKore_bypassBotDetection 0
XKore_exeName ragexe.exe

Yang gw pertebal pada d atas itu ganti dgn RagexeDual.exe

lalu lihat pada bagian console pada openkore kamu

Connecting to Account Server...
Connecting ( connected
Secure Login...
Sending encoded password... = Ip buat FnC
6900 = Port buat FnC

lalu isikan seperti berikut pada server.txt kamu
[Indonesia - idRO Free Server: Fun and Chat]
port 6900
master_version 12
version 2
serverType 0
secureLogin 1
secureLogin_type 0
secureLogin_account 0
serverEncoding Western
storageEncryptKey 0x050B6F79, 0x0202C179, 0x00E20120, 0x04FA43E3, 0x0179B6C8, 0x05973DF2, 0x007D8D6B, 0x08CB9ED9
gameGuard 1
recvpackets recvpackets-idro.txt

Mengenai Pengisian Server.txt mungkin bisa d lihat pada

In Here

Buff For Guild

automacro buffAndWarp {
pubm /(ald|alde|sq|pron|prt|HL|pay|asum|heal|santuary|sant|ab|buff|agi|bless)/i
sp >= 70
priority 0
class high priest
exclusive 1
call checkMsg
macro checkMsg {
$i = @player ($.lastpub)
$g = @eval (exists $::players{$::playersID[$i]}->{guild} ? $::players{$::playersID[$i]}->{guild}{name} : 'null')
if ($g == Gothic) goto accessGranted
if ($g == V a l k y r i e) goto accessGranted
goto end
$msg = $.lastpubMsg
$posx = @rand (4, 5, 6, 7)
$posy = @rand (4, 5, 6, 7)
$cellIsFull = 0
do eval $::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 0;foreach (@{$::playersList->getItems()}) { next if (($_->{pos_to}{x} != $posx) || ($_->{pos_to}{y} != $posy));$::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 1; last;}
if ($cellIsFull == 1) goto accessGranted
$x = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$evalx = @eval ($x + $posx)
$evaly = @eval ($y + $posy)
if ($msg == ALD) goto warpAld
if ($msg == ald) goto warpAld
if ($msg == alde) goto warpAld
if ($msg == ALDE) goto warpAld
if ($msg == SQ) goto warpSq
if ($msg == sq) goto warpSq
if ($msg == GEF) goto warpGef
if ($msg == gef) goto warpGef
if ($msg == HL) goto warpHl
if ($msg == hl) goto warpHl
if ($msg == pay) goto warpHl
if ($msg == asum) goto asum
if ($msg == ASUM) goto asum
if ($msg == agi) goto agi
if ($msg == AGI) goto agi
if ($msg == bless) goto bless
if ($msg == BLESS) goto bless
if ($msg == ab) goto agiBless
if ($msg == AB) goto agiBless
if ($msg == buff) goto agiBless
if ($msg == heal) goto heal
if ($msg == HEAL) goto heal
if ($msg == sant) goto santuary
if ($msg == santuary) goto santuary
if ($msg == SANT) goto santuary
if ($msg == SANTUARY) goto santuary
goto end
do sl 27 $evalx $evaley
pause 1
do warp alde_gld
do sl 27 $evalx $evaly
pause 1
do warp prt_gld
do sl 27 $evalx $evaly
pause 1
do warp gef_fild13
do sl 27 $evalx $evaly
pause 1
do warp pay_gld
do sp 361 $i 5
do sp 29 $i 10
do sp 34 $i 10
do sp 34 $i 10
pause 1
do sp 29 $i 10
do sp 28 $i 10
pause 0.5
do sp 28 $i 10
pause 0.5
do sp 28 $i 10
pause 0.5
do sp 28 $i 10
do sp 70 $i 7
log $msg

Untuk yang lain harap anda mengedit nya sendiri.