Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ragnarok Acount Crack

Found this really good tool on the net.

This tool really works, I tested it on myself and my friend, It works but takes quite a bit of time.

Cracks Steam Accounts

Brute Forcing

Status: CLEAN

Virus Scan


Download here

Kro Clients (latest: 2008-06-16)

Older Client: Ragnarok and Sakray 0616 -- 16th June 2008
SAK_SETUP0616.EXE ~~ 1,102,418,727 bytes ~~ MD5: C3974937419170132556AA59839BA7CD ~~ CRC32: 44228B83
RAG_SETUP0616.EXE ~~ 1,325,781,483 bytes ~~ MD5: BD7E3CF276C7048825A130AF941B1585 ~~ CRC32: BCFE046A

~~~ Official Website ( ~~~
(You might need to use a Korean Proxy Server to be able to download from the official site)
HTTP Download Links:
Sakray 2008-06-16 -
Ragnarok 2008-06-16 -

~~~ Internode Games Network ~~~ (Unmetered for Australian '' (ISP) Customers)
Sakray 2008-06-16 -
Ragnarok 2008-06-16 -

~~~ ~~~
Full setup files in a single download link, If you have a slow connection I recommend to use the split downloads below.
Sakray 2008-06-16 -
Ragnarok 2008-06-16 -
RagLite0616 BGM + DLL -
RagLite0616 DLLs Only -

~~~ ~~~
Sakray 2008-06-16 (You can mix the rars with the rars)
Part 01 -
Part 02 -
Part 03 -
Part 04 -
Part 05 -
Part 06 -
Part 07 -
Part 08 -
Part 09 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -

Ragnarok 2008-06-16 (You can mix the rars with the rars)
Part 01 -
Part 02 -
Part 03 -
Part 04 -
Part 05 -
Part 06 -
Part 07 -
Part 08 -
Part 09 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -
Part 12 -
Part 13 -

RagLite 2008-06-16 (You can mix the rars with the rars)
RagLite 0616 BGM + DLL:
Part 01 -
Part 02 -
Part 03 -

RagLite 0616 DLLs Only:

~~~ ~~~
Sakray 2008-06-16 (You can mix the rars with the rars)
Part 01 -
Part 02 -
Part 03 -
Part 04 -
Part 05 -
Part 06 -
Part 07 -
Part 08 -
Part 09 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -

Ragnarok 2008-06-16 (You can mix the rars with the rars)
Part 01 -
Part 02 -
Part 03 -
Part 04 -
Part 05 -
Part 06 -
Part 07 -
Part 08 -
Part 09 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -
Part 12 -
Part 13 -

RagLite 2008-06-16 (You can mix the rars with the rars)
RagLite 0616 - BGM and DLL Files:
Part 01 -
Part 02 -
Part 03 -

RagLite 0616 - DLL Files Only:

~~~ More Mirrors (RapidShare, MediaFire, SendSpace, FileFactory, MegaUpload, FileFront, ~~~ (Thanks to Adammik)

Ashura Macros


Public Messages:

ruwach - Uses ruwach on player (!)

Private Messages:


* - Bots use ruwach on cloakers.

Commands and Chat:

Private Messages ONLY:

follow/fm/go - Follows you
stop/w - Stop following and sit
kos - Stop killing on sight someone or stop attacking player
fp - Enables / Disable asking for coating
free - Enables / Disables free will
walk - Enables / Disables random walk.
skill - Enables / Disables buff and heal other players except you
prt - Set Locked Map prt_fild08
gef - Set Locked Map gef_fild10
pay - Set Locked Map pay_fild00
br - Set Locked Map new_1-1
home/h - Set Locked Map $homemap. Warp to your homeplace

$freewill = 1|0 Do something sometimes
$skills = 1|0 - Autoskills
$homemap = Homeplace map X Y
$lockedmap = Locked map X Y
$fpbot = "NAME" - Creator's name. Casts coating on you
$master = NAME- Your name
$fp =1|0 Ask for Coating (1) Dont ask (0)
$nohide = Use ruwach on cloakers, etc (1) Dont use (0)

# To make all these macros work u have to:
# Make new config key kos_pk
# Make new config key kos_pk2
# Edit > Replace:
# Hakuro to your name.
# map01 to ur homemap (w/o coordinates)
# map02 to ur lockedmap (w/o coordinates)
# Put:
# $homemap = map01 x y
# $lockedmap = map02 x y
# fp (coating) bot name here: (or set $fp = 0)
# $fpbot = "name"
# Edit macro config

automacro subload {
overideAI 1
run-once 1
call onload

macro onload {

# Macro Config

# Edit This:
# [ 1 = on | 0 = off ]

do conf macro_debug 0
$kos = 1
$freewill = 0
$randomwalk = 1
$nohide = 0
$fp = 0
$skills = 1
$homemap = map01
$lockedmap = map02
$fpbot = "name"
$master = Hakuro
$follow = 0
$hello = Hi $master ! My positon: $.pos $.map. Locked map: $lockedmap Enemies: @config(kos_pk) @config(kos_pk2).

# Dont mess with this:

if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
if (@arg("$lockedmap", 1) = prt_fild08) goto makelocprt
$location = $.map
goto next2
$location = prt_fild08
$lastpos = 0 0 $.map
$damage = 0
$nmes = 0
$frag = 0

# Say that you are online
do pm "$master" $hello

# Log (you can remove it)

log ===================================================
log PVP (BVP) Macros v 1.0
log ===================================================
log Master: $master
log Skill Usage On Players - Ruwach: $nohide Buffs: $skills
log Random Walk: $randomwalk Free will: $freewill KOS: $kos
log Homeplace: $homemap Locked Place: $lockedmap
log Commands are: follow / stop / prt / gef / pay / br
log home / fp / walk / free / duel / kill / kos / skill
log ===================================================
log Kill On Sight players: @config(kos_pk) @config(kos_pk2)
log ===================================================
pause 1

########### Master ###########

automacro mapchange99 {
mapchange prt_fild08, gef_fild10
call {
release move

automacro masterlost {
var randomwalk = 1
console "I lost my master"
timeout 1
location prt_fild08
call {
release move

automacro masterfound {
hook player
var randomwalk = 1
console "Found my master!"
timeout 1
location prt_fild08
call {
lock move

#### KOS

automacro kos0 {
status not dead
overideAI 1
hook player
location gef_fild10, prt_fild08, new_1-1, pay_dun00
var kos = 1
call kos1

macro kos1 {
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
goto end
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk2))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map


automacro move {
overideAI 1
location gef_fild10, prt_fild08
var randomwalk = 1
timeout 20
call move2

macro move2 {
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
if ($.map = prt_fild08) goto prtfild
if ($.map = gef_fild10) goto geffild
goto end
do $do
goto end

if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
$mrnd = @rand (1, 3)
if ($mrnd = 1) goto move
if ($mrnd = 2) goto ss
if ($mrnd = 3) goto ss
goto end
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
if (@arg("$lastpos", 3) != $.map) goto stop
$n = @rand(0, 6)
$m = @rand(0, 6)
$posx = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$posy = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$eval = @random ("+", "-")
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
do @random ("move $lastpos", "move @eval ($posx $eval $n) @eval ($posy $eval $m) $.map")
goto end
$do = @random ("ss 270", "ss 270", "ss 24", "ss 270")
$xx = @rand (156, 171)
$yy = @rand (345, 365)
do move $xx $yy $.map
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
goto cont
$do = @random ("ss 270", "ss 270", "ss 24", "ss 270")
$xx = @rand (65, 73)
$yy = @rand (308, 327)
do move $xx $yy $.map
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
goto cont
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end
do kill @player(@config (kos_pk2))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map


automacro freew {
overideAI 1
location gef_fild10, prt_fild08, new_1-1, pay_dun00
var freewill = 1
timeout 75
call freewill

macro freewill {
do conf followFaceDirection 0
$will = @random ("macro sit", "")
if ($will = macro move2) goto q
if ($will = macro sit) goto w
goto end
call move2
goto end
call sit
goto end

macro sit {
$look = @random ("3", "4", "5")
do look $look
$times = @rand (10, 15)
$i = 0
while ($i < $times) as sitloop
pause 4
do sit
do look $look
if (@player(@config (kos_pk)) >= 0) goto kill1
if (@player(@config (kos_pk2)) >= 0) goto kill2
end sitloop
if (@player($master) >= 0) goto one
goto end
do @random ( "", "e e2", "", "", "e e8", "", "", "", "e ho", "e e10")
goto end

do kill @player(@config (kos_pk))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end

do kill @player(@config (kos_pk2))
$lastpos = $.pos $.map
goto end

##### SKILLS ######


automacro Healer {
pubm /heal|Heal|hp|HP/,6
sp >= 80%
timeout 20
call doheal

automacro Buffer {
pubm /buff|bufs|Buffs|BUFF|baps|Buf|buffs|agi|bless/,6
sp >= 80%
timeout 20
call dobuff

automacro ruwach1 {
pubm /ruwach/,6
timeout 46
call dorwch

automacro res99 {
timeout 15
pubm /res|resu|ressu|ress/
inventory "yggdrasil leaf" > 0
call Ressurection

macro Ressurection {
if ($.lastpub = $master) goto one
if ($skills = 1) goto one
goto end
do ip @inventory (yggdrasil leaf) @player ($.lastpub)
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e ??", "c =/", "c no", "e ??", "", "", "")
pause 2
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e ok", "e e2", "", "")


automacro healz {
timeout 15
pm "heal"
pm "hp"
call healz2

automacro buffz {
timeout 15
pm /buff/i
call buffz2

macro doheal {
if ($.lastpub = $master) goto one
if ($skills = 1) goto one
goto end
$times = @rand (2, 7)
$i = 0
while ($i < $times ) as healloop
do sp 28 "$.lastpub" 10
end healloop
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e ??", "c =/", "c no", "e ??", "", "", "")
pause 3
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e gg", "e e2", "", "")

macro buffz2 {
if ($.lastpm = $master)goto one
goto end
do sp 34 "$.lastpm" 10
do sp 29 "$.lastpm" 10
do sp 361 "$.lastpm" 10
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e e8", "c =/", "c no", "e ??", "", "", "")
pause 2
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e gg", "e e2", "", "")

macro healz2 {
if ($.lastpm = $master) goto one
goto end
$times = @rand (6, 12)
$i = 0
while ($i < $times ) as healloop
log loop $i
do sp 28 "$.lastpm" 10
end healloop
goto end

macro dorwch {
do sp 24 "$.lastpub"

macro dobuff {
if ($.lastpub = $master) goto one
if ($skills = 1) goto one
goto end
do sp 34 "$.lastpub" 10
do sp 29 "$.lastpub" 10
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("c nop", "c nope", "e ??", "e lv2", "e e2", "e e8", "c =/", "c no", "e ?", "", "", "")
pause 2
do @random ("c P", "c ^^", "e heh", "", "", "e e2", "", "e gg", "e e2", "", "")


automacro SW1 {
pm /^(sw)$/
call SW2

macro SW2 {
if ($.lastpm = $master) goto one
goto end
do sp 12 "$.lastpm"
#do sp 24 "$.lastpm"
goto end

automacro Ruwach999 {
console /Player .* .* uses Ruwach on himself/i
var nohide = 1
timeout 65
call {
pause 2
do ss 24


automacro nohide {
var nohide = 1
console /Player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Cloaking on himself/i
timeout 25
call {
do sp 24 $.lastMatch2

automacro nohide2 {
var nohide = 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Hiding on himself/i
timeout 25
call {

do sp 24 $.lastMatch2

automacro nohide3 {
timeout 12
var nohide = 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Chase Walk on himself/i
call {
do sp 24 $.lastMatch2

######## COMMANDS / CHAT #########

automacro fs1 {
pm "duel conf"
call {
do switchconf ChampDuel.txt
do pm "$.lastpm" switched duel

automacro fs2 {
pm "main conf"
call {
do switchconf ChampMain.txt
do pm "$.lastpm" switched to main

automacro fs3 {
pm "party"
call {
do switchconf ChampParty.txt
do pm "$.lastpm" ok party

automacro walk {
pm /^(walk)$/
call {
if ($randomwalk = 1) goto off
if ($randomwalk = 0) goto on
goto end
release move
$randomwalk = 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Randomwalk Enabled
goto end
$randomwalk = 0
do pm "$.lastpm" Randomwalk Disabled
goto end

automacro usefp {
pm "fp"
call {
if ($fp = 1) goto off
if ($fp = 0) goto on
goto end
$fp = 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Using FP Enabled
goto end
$fp = 0
do pm "$.lastpm" Using FP Disabled
goto end

automacro Follow {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(follow|fm|go)$/,
call follow2

macro follow2 {
do follow $.lastpm
do pm "$.lastpm" Following "$.lastpm" !!

automacro kos_no {
overrideAI 1
pm "stop"
call {
do pm "$.lastpm" Players: [ @config(kos_pk) | @config(kos_pk2) ] - are no longer my enemies.
do conf kos_pk none
do conf kos_pk2 none
$damage = none
$pla = none
$kospla = none
do pm "$.lastpm" I stopped.

automacro kos_duel {
overrideAI 1
pm "duel"
call {
do conf kos_pk $.lastpm
$freewill = 0
$damage = 10
pause 1
do pm "$.lastpm" @random ( "Lets Have Fun", "Game", "Sure")
pause 1
do @random ("e gg", "c XD", "e e9")
pause 1
do c 3
pause 1
do c 2
pause 1
do c 1
pause 1
do e go
do kill @player(@config(kos_pk))

automacro kos001 {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(kos )/i
call {
$kospla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
if (@player($kospla) >= 0) goto kill
goto nopla

do conf kos_pk2 $kospla
do pm "$.lastpm" KOS: $kospla
do kill @player($kospla)
goto end
$pla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
do pm "$.lastpm" Can't recognize $kospla. Spell his name accurately.
goto end
do pm "$.lastpm" Player $kospla doesn't exists.
do pm "$.lastpm" Searching again....
$kospla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 3) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 4) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 5) @arg("$.lastpmMsg", 6)
if (@player($kospla) >= 0) goto kill
goto nopla2

automacro killpla {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(kill )/i
call {
$pla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
if (@arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2) = me) goto killme
if (@player($pla) >= 0) goto kill
goto nopla
do pm "$.lastpm" I am gonna kill you !!!
do kill @player($.lastpm)
goto end

do pm "$.lastpm" I am gonna kill $pla
do kill @player($pla)
goto end
$pla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
do pm "$.lastpm" Can't recognize $pla. Spell his name accurately.
goto end
do pm "$.lastpm" Player $pla doesn't exists.
do pm "$.lastpm" Searching again....
$pla = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 3) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 4) @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 5) @arg("$.lastpmMsg", 6)
if (@player($pla) >= 0) goto kill
goto nopla2

automacro wait {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(wait|w)$/,
call wait2

macro wait2 {
do conf follow 0
do sit
do pm "$.lastpm" Waiting you at $.map !!

automacro skills {
pm "skill"
call {
if ($skills = 1) goto off
if ($skills = 0) goto on
goto end
$skills = 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Autoskills Enabled
goto end
$skills = 0
do pm "$.lastpm" Autoskills Disabled
goto end

automacro setfw {
pm "free"
call {
if ($freewill = 1) goto off
if ($freewill = 0) goto on
goto end
$freewil = 1
do pm "$.lastpm" Free Will Enabled
goto end
$freewill = 0
do pm "$.lastpm" Free Will Disabled
goto end

automacro status {
pm "st"
call {
do pm $.lastpm My positon: $.pos $.map. Locked map: $lockedmap Enemies: @config(kos_pk) @config(kos_pk2).

# 0 - 26

automacro gowarp {
pm /^(go )/i
call Lockmap77

macro Lockmap77 {
$go = @arg ("$.lastpmMsg", 2)
do c @go $go
do pm "$.lastpm" $.map


automacro lockedmap3go19 {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(pay)$/,
call {
$lockedmap = pay_dun00 35 104
$location = pay_dun00
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99

automacro lockedmap4go15 {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(br)$/,
call {
$lockedmap = new_1-1 52 111
$location = new_1-1
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99

automacro lockedmap1prt {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(prt)$/,
call {
$xxx = @rand (100, 200)
$yyy = @rand (335, 369)
$lockedmap = prt_fild08 $xxx $yyy
$location = prt_fild08
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99

automacro lockedmap0home {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(home)$/,
call {
do conf follow 0
$lockedmap = $homemap
$location = prt_fild09
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99

automacro lockedmap2gef {
overrideAI 1
pm /^(gef)$/,
call {
$lockedmap = gef_fild10 75 300
$location = gef_fild10
#$lockedmap = gef_fild10 75 300
if ($follow = 1) goto f
goto next
do follow $master
do pm "$.lastpm" Locked Map: $lockedmap
call Lockmap99

# Do something when buffed

macro bemad {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("e e5", "c Oo", "sp 156 $.lastMatch2", "sp 78 $.lastMatch2", "", "e gg", "c lol", "e e2", "sp 78 $.lastMatch2")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
end buffloop
pause 2
do $mes
$.lastMatch2 = none

macro begood {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("c ty", "c thanx", "c thanks", "e lv2", "c ty^^", "c ^^", "c xD", "e thx", "e ho", "c thx")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
end buffloop
pause 2
do $mes

macro begood2 {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("c ty", "c thanx", "c thanks", "e lv2", "c ty^^", "c ^^", "c xD", "e thx", "buff", "buff", "buff")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
if ($mes = buff) goto buff
end buffloop
pause 1
do sp 34 $.lastMatch2 10
do sp 29 $.lastMatch2 10
goto end2
pause 2
do $mes

macro buffed02 {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("", "", "sp 34 $.lastMatch2 1", "c <.<", "e thx", "e e8", "e e2")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
if ($mes = unset) goto end
end buffloop
pause 2
do $mes
$.lastMatch1 = none

macro buffed01 {
$buffs = 10
$i = 0
while ($i < $buffs ) as buffloop
$nmes = $mes
$mes = @random ("", "", "sp 29 $.lastMatch2 1", "", "c >.>", "e ho", "", "c xD", "e e2")
if ($nmes = $mes) goto start
if ($nmes != $mes) goto end
if ($mes = unset) goto end
end buffloop
pause 2
do $mes
$.lastMatch1 = none

automacro fped101 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses full chemical protection on you.*/i
call begood2
timeout 30

automacro buffed11 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses blessing on you.*/i
call buffed02
timeout 50

automacro buffed12 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses increase agi on you.*/i
call buffed01
timeout 50

automacro buffed13 {
spell assumptio
timeout 45
call begood

automacro buffed14 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses provoke on you.*/i
call bemad
timeout 50

automacro buffed15 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses heal on you.*/i
call begood
timeout 50


macro pk_STAY_CALM {
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is playing with fire.
$damage = @eval ($damage + 1)
if ($damage > 1) goto one
goto over
#$damage = @eval ($damage + 1.25)
pause 1
do @random ( "", "e ?", "", "e e2", "", "", "e gg", "", "c lol", "", "c aw", "e e2", "")

macro pk_WARN {
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is playing with fire.
$damage = @eval ($damage + 0.75)
#if ($damage > 5) goto one
if ($damage > 10) goto one
goto over
call KILL_PK
pause 2
do @random ( "", "", "e lv2", "e e2", "", "e gg", "", "e lv", "", "", "e heh", "", "", "c aw", "", "e e2")

macro pk_WARN2 {
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is playing with fire.
$damage = @eval ($damage + 0.75)
if ($damage > 10) goto one
goto over
call KILL_PK
pause 2
do @random ( "", "c aw", "e lv2", "e e2", "", "e gg", "", "e ?", "e lv", "c lol", "e heh", "e ??", "e ??")


macro pk_ATTACK_ONCE {
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 attacked me.
$damage = @eval ($damage + 2.5)
#if ($damage > 3) goto two
if ($damage > 10) goto two
goto one
do sp 266 $.lastMatch2
goto over
pause 2
do @random ("e gg", "", "e gg", "", "e e2", "", "", "e heh", "", "c aw", "", "c lol", "sp 156 $.lastMatch2", "sp 156 $.lastMatch2")
call KILL_PK

macro KILL_DEAD {
if ($.lastMatch1 = @config(kos_pk)) goto justkill
if ($.lastMatch1 = @config(kos_pk2)) goto justkill
if ($.lastMatch1 = $master) goto nvm
do kill $.lastMatch2
do conf kos_pk2 @config(kos_pk)
do conf kos_pk $.lastMatch1
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is my foe !!
goto end
do pm "$master" I guess i am dead... $.lastMatch1 killed me @_@
do c @warp $.map $.pos
do kill $.lastMatch2
goto end
do pm "$master" I wont kill my master.

macro KILL_PK {
if ($.lastMatch1 = @config(kos_pk)) goto justkill
if ($.lastMatch1 = @config(kos_pk2)) goto justkill
if ($.lastMatch1 = $master) goto nvm
do kill $.lastMatch2
do conf kos_pk2 @config(kos_pk)
do conf kos_pk $.lastMatch1
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 is my foe !!
goto end
do kill $.lastMatch2
do pm "$master" $.lastMatch1 attacked me @_@
goto end
do pm "$master" I wont kill my master.


automacro pked378 {
overrideAI 1
timeout 3
####DAMAGE RANGE 100 - 999#########################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{2}\b/i
call pk_WARN

automacro pked554 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 2000 - 5999#######################
timeout 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[2-5][0-9]{3}\b/i
call pk_STAY_CALM

automacro pked959 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 6000 - 9999#######################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[6-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK

automacro pked645 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call KILL_PK

automacro pked649 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 100000 - 150000#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[1][0-5]{5}\b/i
call KILL_PK

automacro pked640 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 150000 - 199999#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[1][5-9]{5}\b/i
call KILL_PK

automacro pked641 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 200000 - 499999#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[2-5][0-9]{5}\b/i


automacro pked356 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 10 - 90########################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{1}\b/i
timeout 3
call pk_WARN

automacro pked303 {
overrideAI 1
timeout 3
####DAMAGE RANGE 100 - 900########################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{2}\b/i
call pk_WARN

automacro pked101 {
overrideAI 1
timeout 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 4000#######################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[1-4][0-9]{3}\b/i
call pk_STAY_CALM

automacro pked102 {
overrideAI 1
timeout 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 5000 - 9999#######################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[5-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK

automacro pked485 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999#####################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call KILL_PK


automacro pked184 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE BOMB##########
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Demonstration (lvl 5) on you .*/i
call {
call KILL_PK

# Todo make bot recognize if enemy is ranged or not and use pneuma on self
automacro pked18554 {
####DAMAGE RANGE Ranged ##########
overrideAI 1
timeout 3
spell Double Strafe, Arrow Repel, Arrow Vulcan, Spear Boomerang
call {
do ss 25

automacro pked5005 {
overrideAI 1
####DAMAGE RANGE 2000 - 5999#######################
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses Blitz Beat on you .*/i
call {
$damage = @eval ($damage + 2.5)
do ss 25
call pk_WARN2

automacro pked354597 {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) is casting Extremly Fist on you *./i
call {
lock move
lock freew
call KILL_PK

automacro STRIP {
####FULL STRIP SKILL##############################
console /Player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses full strip on you.*/i
call KILL_PK


########### Hakuro ############
automacro PK_pla4373 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses Vigor Absorption on player (.*) \((\d+)\)/i
call KILL_PK

##########DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 4999#################
automacro PK_pla313 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses .* on player (.*) \((\d+)\) - dmg: \b[1-4][0-9]{3}\b/i

##########DAMAGE RANGE 5000 - 9999#################
automacro PK_pla323 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses .* on player (.*) \((\d+)\) - dmg: \b[5-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call {
call KILL_PK

###########DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 999999##############
automacro PK_pla333 {
overrideAI 1
console /player Hakuro .* uses .* on player (.*) \((\d+)\) - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4,5}\b/i
call {
call KILL_PK


############ Hakuro ###############

############DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 3999###########
automacro pked_pla991 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-3][0-9]{3}\b/i

###########DAMAGE RANGE 4000 - 9999############
automacro pked_pla992 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[4-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK

###########DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999##########
automacro pked_pla993 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call {
call KILL_PK


################# Hakuro #####################

#######DAMAGE RANGE 1000 - 4999###############
automacro PK_pla771 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-4][0-9]{3}\b/i
call pk_STAY_CALM

#######DAMAGE RANGE 5000 - 9999###############
automacro PK_pla772 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[5-9][0-9]{3}\b/i
call KILL_PK

######DAMAGE RANGE 10000 - 99999############
automacro pked_pla773 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{4}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2

######DAMAGE RANGE 100000 - 999999############
automacro pked_pla153 {
overrideAI 1
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on player Hakuro .* - dmg: \b[1-9][0-9]{5}\b/i
call {
do kill $.lastMatch2

############### FP ###############

automacro fptimer {
overideAI 1
var fp = 1
status not cp weapon
hp > 25%
call fptrigger
timeout 12

macro fptrigger {
do c @warp $homemap
pause 2
do pm $fpbot fp
pause 3
call Lockmap99

####### HP & SP ##########

automacro kittyhp {
overideAI 1
hp <= 30%
timeout 5
call kittyhpsp

automacro kittysp {
overideAI 1
sp < 20%
timeout 3
call kittyhpsp

macro kittyhpsp {
do c @warp payon 139 242
pause 2
do talk @npc (149 231)
pause 1

macro kittyhpsp2 {
do c @warp payon 139 242
pause 2
do talk @npc (149 231)
pause 1

#########LOCK MAP#################

automacro Go_To_Lockmap {
var fp = 1
overideAI 1
location not gef_fild10
location not prt_fild08
location not prt_fild09
location not pay_dun00
location not new_1-1
location not map02
hp > 40%
status cp weapon
timeout 5
call Lockmap99

automacro Go_To_Lockmap2 {
overideAI 1
var fp = 0
location not gef_fild10
location not prt_fild09
location not pay_dun00
location not new_1-1
location not prt_fild08
location not map02
hp > 40%
timeout 5
call Lockmap99

macro Lockmap99 {
release move
release freew
#$damage = 0
if ($location = prt_fild08) goto prtfild
goto other

$xxx = @rand (100, 180)
$yyy = @rand (340, 365)
# $xxx = @rand (150, 150)
# $yyy = @rand (365, 365)
do c @warp prt_fild08 $xxx $yyy
goto end
do c @warp $lockedmap
call move2

############ STORAGE ##############

automacro oweight {
weight >= 70%
timeout 30
call storauto

macro storauto {
do autostorage

Ini saya share macro ashura buat monk. saya dapat dari teman saya. dan sudah d coba d Iro.

Restock Macros

#when hunter doing autostorage, this macro may trigger
automacro initiater {
class Hunter
storage "Silver Arrow" < 5000
call initiate

macro initiate {
do conf char 2
do reload config
pause 2
do relog

#Check Blacksmith location
automacro checkLocation {
class Blacksmith
storage "Silver Arrow" < 5000
location not morocc_in 137 65
call moveLoc

macro moveLoc {
do move 137 65 morocc_in

#Buy silver arrow and put in storage
automacro silver {
class Blacksmith
inventory "Silver Arrow" < 5000
location morocc_in 137 65
call buy_silver

macro buy_silver {
do talk @npc (141 67)
pause 2
do store
pause 2
while (@cartamount (Silver Arrow) < 20000) as buyLoop
do buy @store (Silver Arrow) @eval (10000 - @invamount (Silver Arrow))
pause 2
do cart add @inventory (Silver Arrow) @eval (20000 - @invamount (Silver Arrow))
end buyLoop
do buy @store (Silver Arrow) 5000
pause 2

automacro putStorage {
class Blacksmith
inventory "Silver Arrow" > 0
cart "Silver Arrow" > 0
call storage

macro storage {
do move 153 95 morocc
do talk @npc (156 97)
pause 3
do talk resp 1
pause 2
do storage add @inventory (Silver Arrow)
pause 2
while (@cartamount (Silver Arrow) > 0) as storageLoop
do cart get @cart (Silver Arrow) 10000
pause 2
do storage add @inventory (Silver Arrow)
pause 2
end storageLoop
do storage close

#change to hunter
automacro changeHunter {
class Blacksmith
cart "Silver Arrow" = 0
inventory "Silver Arrow" = 0
call hunter

macro hunter {
do conf char 0
do reload config
pause 2
do relog

auto Warp

automacro Warper {
pm "Warp GH","Name" #Change This to your char's name
delay 5
run-once 1
call Warp1

macro Warp1 {
@set (loc) @var (.pos)
@pause 2
@pause 2
sl 27 @var (loc) 4
@pause 5
warp 1 #Assumming GH is in Memo 1
@pause 2
move @var (loc)
conf follow 1
@pause 2
@release Warper

macro Auto Buy

automacro Auto_Buy {
storage "Arrow" < 5000
class hunter
call Auto_Buy_Arrows
run-once 1

macro Auto_Buy_Arrows {
storage close
conf char 0 # if BlackSmith is in slot 0
conf saveMap
conf autoTalkCont 1
conf lockMap prt_fild05
conf route_randomWalk 0
conf storageAuto 0
conf storageAuto_npc 52392

automacro BuyArrows {
map prt_fild05
class blacksmith
run-once 1
call Arrows

macro Arrows {

move 290 221 prt_fild05

talk @npc (290 221)
@pause 5
@pause 5
@pause 5
buy @store (Arrow) @eval (30000 - @invamount (Arrow))

@pause 20

move 290 221 prt_fild05

talk @npc (290 224)
@pause 5
talk resp 1
@pause 5
storage add @inventory (Arrow) @eval (30000 - @storamount (Arrow))

@pause 5
storage close

conf char 1 #if Hunter is in Slot 1
conf saveMap alberta
conf autoTalkCont 0
conf lockMap tur_dun01
conf route_randomWalk 1
conf storageAuto 1
conf storageAuto_npc 52401
@release BuyArrows
@release Auto_Buy